Minutes: August 8, 2012

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of August 8, 2012

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the MunicipalBuilding on August 8, 2012. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; John Dischler; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and James Liegel, Trustees. Trustee Raymond Ellenbolt was absent.

Others present: Marion Copus of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.

Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, August 6, 2012. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.

Box motioned to approve minutes from the July 11, 2012 Regular Board meeting. Gerber seconded. Motion carried with Trustee Liegel abstaining.


Police Department Report

Officer Schreiber informed the board that the 3-Day Celebration went well. No major complaints or incidents. The one golfer fighting the playing without paying golf fine paid the fine before it went to trial.


Green TTEC Director Report

Shawn Murphy reported on the following:

Recreation Trail Project
The project bid advertisement began August 6, 2012. The bid packets will be available on August 20, 2012 at Village Hall or Green TTEC. The bid opening will be 9:30am on August 30, 2012 at Village Hall. Murphy would like a Special Village Board meeting on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 to consider bids received. Assuming bid award occurs on September 5, 2012 construction is anticipated to begin the week of September 24th and be completed by November 1, 2012. DNR has acknowledged complete application for all permits. It is hopeful they are issued within the next 2 weeks.

The personalized paving brick orders are beginning to pick up. The forms are available at Green TTEC, Village Hall and Village Website.

New Class Offerings
Madison College announced 14 class offerings at Green TTEC. Sign up for classes can be done at Green TTEC, Village Hall or on-line at www.madisoncollege.org.

Green TTEC Applying to Become Job Center Access PointMurphy met with Pat Schram, Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin (WDB) who offered to have Green TTEC apply as an Access Point for a Job Center office. The Job Center offices, currently the closest one is located in Baraboo, are sponsored by the Department of Workforce Development and operated by the regional Workforce Development Boards. The South Central WDB operates three Job Center offices and 15 Access Points in six counties. Access points are Job Center satellite offices that offer individuals the ability to obtain job posting information, applications, and computer access for completing resumes, applications, job searches, etc. With the high-speed internet connection Green TTEC could provide remote instructional sessions as well. Ring questioned the Job Center benefit to the Village. Murphy replied that it would be less travel time for residents along with computer access. It would give local people access to this service. Employers can use it to post job openings as well. Box thought the library may be more equipped for this idea. Ring commented that there is not enough information yet to determine feasibility.

Public Works Department Report

Nick Ruhland addressed the board regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant permit for the next five years. It will need to meet the limits of 3.6 mg/l of phosphorus, which will not be a problem. In the subsequent five years we will have to meet 0.075 mg/l. In 2014 a Facilities Planning Status Report needs to be completed. The Wastewater Treatment Plant’s effluent has to meet these standards but the Village is responsible for the entire creek. The limit will go up if the Village trades, meaning pay a farmer to keep their cows away from the creek and plant their crops away from the creek. Nick talked to the DNR; it may not be as bad. The DNR gave Nick valuable ideas.


Committee Reports

Building Committee & Fire District –Dischler

No Building Committee report.

Dischler reported that the Fire District has lifted the fire bands.


Green TTEC, Parks, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt

In Ellenbolt’s absence, Trustee Gerber said the Parks had a meeting with Nick about the volleyball court. Sand will start being hauled in next week.

There are no reports for Green TTEC, SCDC and Cable TV.

Library, Police & RV Court – Gerber

The Library summer program had 54 individuals for the reading program. The library held its first Preschool Players. The last Summer Art Series program will be held this Saturday. Library Board is looking into the maintenance of grounds.

No Police or RV Court reports.


Streets & Utilities – Kraemer

Water Pumpage for July, 2012:

            Well No. 1:   954,000

            Well No. 2:   2,980,000

            Total for July: 3,934,000 gallons, which was 214,000 gallons more than last year.

            Two bacteria were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.

            Monthly fluoride average: 1.27 p.p.m.  Monthly chlorine average: 0.27 p.p.m.

Wastewater Report for July, 2012:

            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    225 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    7.0       Limit: 15 mg/l

            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      278 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      8.0       Limit: 20 mg/l

            Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .1107 p.p.m. 

            Limit:     20.0 mg/l Monthly, 29.0 mg/l Daily

            Total gallons treated: 2,113,300

Streets Committee met and looked at the library alley and their south parking area. There is frost damage heaving the asphalt. It is two separate projects. It will be approximately $4,000 for the alley and $8,000 to do the parking lot portion. This project can be managed by the Village. These prices do not include the cost of Public Works. Kraemer questioned why this project is different than the air conditioning last year when the Library Board made the decision themselves. The alley is the Library’s for their book drop and it’s their parking lot. There was discussion regarding where the funds should come from to pay for the project. In comparing it to other Village facilities, those buildings have paid for their own repairs out of their own budget. The Village needs to be consistent. Nick explained that the Highway B pipe is the Village’s pipe and should pay for the repair. The pipe in the alley is the Library’s pipe coming from the building’s drainage. Kraemer believes that since the Village owns that building, the Village should be in charge of the building. Kraemer commented that the parking lot repair should be paid for by streets. That alley would not exist if it was not for the library and it is the library’s storm sewer causing the problem. Kraemer motioned to make the repairs. Liegel seconded. Motion carried.

The Streets Committee will be adjusting the five year plan due to county and state lack of funding for the bridge in 2013. In 2013 Parkview Avenue will be done. The committee is exploring options for the Main Street wall.


Finance & Ordinance – Liegel

The Finance Committee will be starting the budget process and employee reviews.

Ordinance Committee has first readings tonight.


Pool & Golf – Box

Box reported the pool will be having an end of year pool party on August 26th. There are sign-up sheets for the event. It will be a free day. The committee wants people to see how fun the pool is. They are also exploring the idea of an adult night at the pool for next year.

The Golf Course Committee had a meeting. Bids are being obtained for the creek dredging. The Plain Lions got approval to close the course for their golf outing in September.


Development/Planning & Plain’s 100 Year – Ring

No Development & Planning Commission report.

Ring reported that the 100 year Commemoration was well received. The Committee did an outstanding job. A big thank you goes out to Marlyn Bauer, Mary L. Brey, Janet Kraemer, Mary A. Kraemer and Jan Marino.

The Facilities Task Force has been disbanded. A second apartment was rented for the EMTs and that is working well. The Task Force can reconvene if the need arises at a later date.


Other Business

Murphy read the first reading of Ordinance 177-12 with revisions: Updating the Noxious Weed ordinance to include natural lawns/landscaping and decrease the lawn height regulation to eight inches.

Liegel read the first reading of Ordinance 178-12: Changing the closing hours of a “Class A” or Class “A” license to correspond with the Wisconsin State Statutes.

Liegel read the first reading of Ordinance 179-12: Changing the number of complaints to prosecute a habitual disturbance of an animal.

Liegel read the first reading of Ordinance 180-12 with revisions: Adding a limitation of 72 hours for general parking on village streets.

Liegel read the first reading of Ordinance 181-12 with revisions: Abandoned vehicles to not have owner’s permission and increasing the timeframe to 72 hours.

Liegel motioned to adopt of Resolution #2012-11, Compliance Maintenance Annual Report. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.

The board discussed setting a natural lawn registration fee.  Ring motioned to set it the same fee as a special meeting fee. Box seconded. Motion carried.

Liegel motioned to approve the Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax‑Advantaged Obligations as presented. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.

Gerber motioned to approve the Temporary Class B Retailer's license and Temporary Operator’s licenses for Robert Kraemer and Sarah Kraemer for the Plain Lion’s Golf Outing to be held on September 15th. Dischler seconded. Motion carried with Ring abstaining.

Box motioned to approve an operator’s license for Raymond J. Ring for the period ending June 30, 2013. Gerber seconded. Motion carried with Ring abstaining.

The board discussed the Wendorff Assessing contract. Liegel motioned to approve the Wendorff Assessing contract as presented. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.



Ring asked Attorney Mark Steichen to come to next board meeting to discuss options in the nonresidential sewer customer case. The Village has 90 days to decide to appeal or not.

Ring recognize Clerk Tafs as receiving a notable compliment from Linda Schwanke, Editor of the Home News. Linda said she deals with all of all the Clerks in the area and Sheila is the most professional person she deals with in quality information and in a timely manner.


Review and Audit of Invoices:

Kraemer motioned to pay Check #18707 payable to USA Blue Book in the amount of $606.75 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Box seconded. Motion carried.

A motion to pay the monthly invoices was made by Gerber. Dischler seconded. Motion carried.


General Fund 



Capital Improvements



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course








Wage Reimbursements:





Box motioned to adjourn at 9:37 p.m. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.


Sheila Tafs