Minutes: March 14, 2012

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of March 14, 2012

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of theVillageofPlainwas held at theMunicipalBuildingonMarch 14, 2012. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Cole Brunson; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees.

Others present: Joel Gaalswyk; Dennis Polivka; John Dischler; Gary Weiss; Duane Meise; Marion Copus of the Home News; Carolyn Forde, Library Director; Officer Chuck Schreiber; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.

Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Villageof Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, March 12, 2012. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.

Kraemer motioned to approve minutes from the February 8, 2012 Regular Board meeting. Box seconded. Motion carried with Brunson abstaining.

Agenda Guests

John Dischler, Fire Board Representative for the Village of Plain, and Gary Weiss, Ambulance Chief, was present to update the board regarding an upcoming decision that needs to be made by the Plain Fire District Board. The District currently rents one apartment, but was looking at renting another apartment because any EMT not within a three mile radius needs to stay in town. There are three people on every shift and with a large number of the EMTs not from the Village of Plain, there are more people than apartment space. John Dischler has been exploring the idea of purchasing a house for the Ambulance crew. Sasha Parkevich’s cottage at 1120 Liegel Avenue is available. The lower level needs a bathroom and a kitchen which Sasha would install before a sale. The cost would be $110,000, which is comparable to renting two apartments for ten years. The property would become a tax exempt property.

After all of the municipalities are informed, the Fire Board is going to make a decision on buying instead of renting. There is no lawn to mow and there is a small sidewalk. It is close to the fire station. This building would have two separate units, separating male and females. Schluter commented that the Fire District is a very important part of our community. Ellenbolt motioned to approve. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.

John Dischler also reviewed a schedule for replacement of equipment. The Fire Board will to start building a savings. They try to have the funds before a purchase is made. The mill rate may go up to .57 next year, right now it is .53.

Duane Meise reported to the Village Board in regards to a recent visit to the Green TTEC Director, Shawn Murphy. Meise stated that he was told that his business is not welcome in this Village. Trustee Ellenbolt was present during that conversation and clarified that Murphy did not say that to Meise. Murphy had explained the covenants that were established for the Honey Creek Business Park. Murphy also told Meise he needed to prepare a design following the covenants and the Development & Planning Commission would review the plans.

Meise informed the board that the investor fell through for remodeling the Palace back into a restaurant. He is looking to make it a storage shed and has been working with the Building Inspector to do so.

The American Legion will not be opening the clubhouse every day of the week. The Legion has been talking about opening over the weekends. Michelle Johanning will be managing most of it. Trustee Box will try to attend the next Legion meeting.

Dennis Polivka introduced himself as a candidate for the County Supervisor District 23. He would like to get creative to encourage new business and maintain business. He would like to see communities working together to keep costs down and still provide the same standard of service. The board asked Polivka to help promote Green TTEC and the Business Park if he were to be elected.

Joel Gaalswyk stated that this was his farewell visit. He is not seeking reelection because of health issues. He is happy that there are two candidates vying for his County Supervisor seat.

Police Department Report

Officer Schreiber had no police report.

Green TTEC Director Report

In Shawn Murphy’s absence, a written report was submitted to the board.

Green TTEC Courses

MadisonCollegeadvertised their 2nd round of spring semester classes for Green TTEC, a copy of which may be found on the Village website. Enrollment is increasing from the 1st round of courses. There are 12 courses being offered.MadisonCollege also received a grant from the EDA to provide Manufacturing Skill Standards Certification (MSSC) courses in the Computer Lab. 3 sets of MSSC will be conducted from March through May.

Sasha Parkevich received a $500 grant from Sauk County Arts & Humanities Committee for his Learning to Draw class which ends this Saturday, March 17. 

Bertram Financial began offering a Retirement Planning Class on Thursday evenings on March 8 through March 22. Green TTEC hosted a Sauk County Manufacturer’s Council Breakfast on2/29/12and Sauk County Institute of Leadership class all day on March 8.

CDBG-R Grant Closeout

Sheila and I met with auditors from the WEDC who administer the $1.01 million CDBG-R grant the Village received for construction of Green TTEC. The initial on-site inspection occurred on3/7/12and they will complete their audit on4/2/12.

Recreation Trail

I am meeting with Westbrook staff on 3/15 to layout the trail location and review preliminary design of the trail, bridge and shelter.


I am seeking quotes for the purchase and installation of a surveillance system as well as inspection and maintenance proposals for the alarm, sprinkler and HVAC systems.

CDBG-Planning Grant

I have been assembling information and eligibility requirements for the application for grant funds through the WEDC for a Planning Grant to evaluate long-term management and marketing strategy issues for Green TTEC.

Public Works Department Report

Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, informed the board that the golf course will open late on Thursday or on Friday. Prairie Plumbing will be installing the new air conditioner at the library this week.

Committee Reports

Finance & Green TTEC – Schluter

The Finance Committee was informed of what the golf course depreciation on the 2011 financial statements came from. The Auditors always had it on their books, but decided it should be accounted for on the Village’s end as well. Trustee Box does not agree with the entry because it is adding that much expense to the budget and it is dollars that is not actually expensed.

The Green TTEC Board met to discuss the building use regulations and the fee structure. The Green TTEC Board decided that candidates for elected office using the facility should be charged a fee. They also reviewed and made changes to the marketing brochures. Also discussed was the status of the recreational trail. Many details of the trail were discussed. The start date for the trail will be later in the year to correspond with when the National Guard will be able to start. The Green TTEC Board is looking into a surveillance system. It is hopeful to have a recommendation by the next meeting. The grant covers 50% of the cost.

Park, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt

Parks Committee is set to hire the Rec Director.

No Cable or SCDC Report.

Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber

Carolyn Forde, Library Director, addressed the board for the library report. The library is well utilized with the Friday morning group, card players on Wednesday, Friday Night Foodies draws from all over the county and it is booked almost every Saturday in April and May. The library is showcasing local artists. Currently on display is Jennifer Angus. In February, AARP provided free tax assistance. They plan to come again next year. Forde is looking to spread community news. The library is offering programs to inspire and educate. Tomorrow will be the first visit from St. Luke’s 3-4 year olds. Teens have been asking about jobs in the area. The Village Board then directed comments to County Supervisor Candidate Polivka regarding the continuation of library funding from the County. Listening to how much the library is utilized, by the entire county, it is obvious that Sauk County needs to continue funding at least at the current level.

No Police Committee report.

Trustee Gerber visited the Court Clerk today and the RV Court is running smooth.

Streets & Utilities– Kraemer

Water Pumpage for February:

Well No. 1:   521,000

            Well No. 2:   1,998,000

Total for February: 2,519,000 gallons, which was 831,000 gallons more than last year.

Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.

            Monthly fluoride average: 1.16 p.p.m.  Monthly chlorine average: .35 p.p.m.

  • Emptied reservoir for cleaning. Pumps running while emptying & filling.

Wastewater Report for February:

            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    174 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    8          Limit: 15 mg/l

            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      157 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      11        Limit: 20 mg/l                       

Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .424 p.p.m.   

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

                        29.0 mg/l Daily

            Total gallons treated: 2,406,900

The Utilities Committee met. Nick is working on researching pricing for a worn out digester and the repair of a dome over trickling filter. The committee also discussed earmarking some sanitary mains for upgrades that are located in back alleys and lawns. Nick is researching, along with Dave Holmes out of Platteville, the cause of water loss through mains and check for leaks. There is also a leaky valve at the intersection of Oak Street and St Luke’s Avenue that will be fixed this summer.

Kraemer explained Assembly Bill 182, which would prohibit the Village from collecting water and sewer bills through the tax roll. The Utilities Committee recommends the board adopt Resolution #2012-04, A Resolution opposing Assembly Bill 182. Kraemer motioned to adopt Resolution #2012-04. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.

The Streets Committee will meet to assess streets.

Building & Ordinance – Brunson

No Building Committee report.

Trustee Brunson read the second reading of Ordinance 176-12: a revision of the Cross Connection Control ordinance. Kraemer motioned to adopt Ordinance 176-12. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.

Pool & Golf – Box

The Pool Committee interviewed for lifeguards and will be hiring tonight. Trustee Box met with a couple of lifeguards to discuss swim lessons. The sign up for summer activities is March 24th.

The Golf Course Committee reciprocal course use membership has been set up for this year. A member will receive five free plays at Spring Green, as well as unlimited at Ludden Lake in Mineral Point and Quail Run in Richland Center with a purchase of cart rental. The cards for the reciprocal use were delivered today.

Development/Planning & Plain’s 100 Year – Rin

No Development & Planning Commission report

The Plain’s 100 year Commemoration Committee met. Mary Jayne Liegel and Eugene Hausner from the Franklin Historical Society will assist in a trivia contest. The committee also discussed developing a banner with an event name and slogan; commemorative mugs; Village will have something on the 3-Day signs; a float for the parade; an old time photo booth; children’s activities; a public relations campaign; creating interest with media; a time capsule; and a car and machinery show possibility

Other Business

Public Comment was opened regarding Sauk County Hazard Mitigation Plan: 2011-2015. There were no comments.

Kraemer motioned to adopt Resolution #2012-05: A Resolution adopting the Sauk County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2011-2015. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.

Brunson motioned to hire the lifeguard staff as follows: Head Lifeguard-Molly Nachreiner; Assistant Head Lifeguards-Andrea Diehl and Claire Meixelsperger; and Lifeguards-Courtney Pulvermacher, Josh Taylor, Molly Schluter and Courtney Nachreiner. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.

Ellenbolt motioned to hire Gina Ruhland as the Rec Director. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.


A free electronic recycling event is being coordinated for Saturday, April 28, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Green TTEC building. It is open to the public, no residency requirement.

Review and Audit of Invoices:


Kraemer motioned to pay Check #18330 payable to Spring Green Auto Parts in the amount of $66.28 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.

 A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Brunson. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.


General Fund 



Capital Improvements



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course








Wage Reimbursements:





 Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn to closed session per Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(c) for discussion and action regarding setting wages for lifeguards & the recreation program at 9:15 p.m. Schluter seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Box – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Schluter - Yes. Motion carried.



Sheila Tafs
