Minutes: Budget Hearing 2007

Village of Plain

Public Hearing

2008 Annual Budget

November 29, 2007


 A Public Hearing was held in the Village of Plain at the Municipal Building on November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.  The purposes of the meeting were to review the 2007 General Fund budget and the proposed 2008 budget.  The following Village Board members were present: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Gary Leeck; James Liegel; and, Robert Neuheisel, Trustees. Trustees Kevin Kraemer and Duane Meise were absent.


Notice of this meeting was posted on November 14, 2007 in the following locations in the Village of Plain:  Municipal Building; Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank.  The preliminary budget summary was published in the November 14, 2007 issue of the Home News.


The hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Ellenbolt.


The mill rate for 2007 is not finalized yet because of figures still needed from the State of Wisconsin.


The Village’s tax levy increased from $417,043.56 in 2006 to $431,603.00 in 2007.  This is an increase of 3.37%.


The budget as adjusted from its original publication results in the following 2008 General Fund Budget:






General Property Taxes



Taxes (Other than Property Taxes)



Special Assessments



Intergovernmental Revenues



Licenses and Permits



Fines, Forfeitures & Penalties



Public Charges for Services



Intergovernmental Charges for Services



Miscellaneous Revenue



Other Financing Sources



Total Revenues









General Government



Public Safety



Public Works



Culture & Recreation



Conservation & Development



Total General Fund Expenditures












General Fund Expenditures



TIF District Fund



Library Fund



Debt Service Fund



Capital Improvements Fund



Total Anticipated Expenditures



Total Anticipated Non-Property Tax Revenues



TIF Funds Applied to Debt



Amount Required for Tax Levy





The tax rates would be as follows not including the school tax credit:













T.I.D. #2












Tax Rates









State Tax
















County Tax
















River Valley Tax
















M.A.T.C. Tax
















Village Tax


























2007 Assessed Valuation  =  $67,800,400

2007 Equalized Valuation =  $68,463,300

Assessment Ratio              =  0.990317


Liegel motioned to accept the 2007 General Fund budget of $514,318.58 as presented.  Buchanan seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.


Leeck motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing. Neuheisel seconded, and the motion carried.


The Public Hearing adjourned to a Village Board meeting at 7:08 p.m.                                                                                           






                                                                                                Sheila Tafs

Village Clerk/Treasurer