Minutes: January 11, 2012

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of January 11, 2012

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on January 11, 2012. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees. Trustee Cole Brunson was absent.

Others present: Marion Copus of the Home News; Carolyn Forde, Library Director; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.

Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Villageof Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, January 9, 2012. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.

Gerber motioned to approve minutes from the December 14, 2011 Regular Board meeting. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.

Schluter motioned to approve minutes from theJanuary 3, 2012Special Board meeting. Box seconded. Motion carried with Kraemer abstaining.


Police Department Report

Officer Schreiber presented a 2011 year end report document to the board. A total of 1961 hours were worked in 299 shifts. The squad was driven 13,101 miles and used 1065.9 gallons of fuel. There were 176 complaints made to the Plain Police Department: 32 ordinance violations, 11 assists for Sauk County Human Services, 37 assists to another agency, 3 warrant arrests, 5 assists to financial institutions, 3 landlord-tenant disputes, 13 assists motorist/public, 4 harassment complaints, 4 domestics investigated and 63 traffic citations issued.  The end of year mileage on the squad was 46,105 and it appears to be in good shape. All other police equipment and office equipment looks good also.


Green TTEC Director Report

Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, informed the Village Board that the LEED Commissioning inspection and documentation process was submitted, a response is anticipated in 2-3 weeks. The building access system and lobby message systems have been installed.

The final change orders and pay requests are being considered this evening. If approved the total construction cost (excluding A/E fees) for Green TTEC is as follows:

Ideal Builders: Original Contract Bid: $2,267,655

Total Change Contract Orders:           ($711,453.12)

Total Direct Material Purchases:         $749,529.58

            Final Cost:                               $2,305,731.46

Less: Wisconsin CDBG-R Funds       (1,010,000)

Less: Projected EDA Funds:              (1,152,866) (estimated)

Less: FOE/Stewardship Funds:               (55,205)

Projected Village Cost:                       $    87,660

Straight Forward is still conducting interviews with hopes of creating a large enough applicant pool to start operations in Plain by March 1, 2012. MATC is starting classes on January 16, 2012. Enrollment is less than expected.

Murphy is working on a Long Range Sustainability Plan that will evaluate different management structures and develop a strategic marketing plan to insure the viability of the Green TTEC facility and diversify the funding sources for operation.

Driftless Area showed the vacant lot to a potential purchaser. Murphy will keep the board posted of any further interest.

Murphy contacted the DNR to determine the extent of wetland impact mitigation needed to offset the installation of the trail. Creation of a scrap or manmade depression with plantings would satisfy DNR which is less extensive than what were anticipated, thus lowering project costs. Murphy will bring an engineering proposal to the Board in February for design and bid assistance.

Murphy next discussed the 1055 Wachter Avenue lot selling conditions. The asking price will be based on the listing price per acre in the Honey Creek Business Park (HCBP) or $20,000/acre. Since the lot is 0.3 acres in size the proportionate asking price will be $6000. Driftless LLC was engaged to market the property along with HCBP property. The lot is fully developed with public utilities.

The Board is desirous of selling to a party that will develop the lot within 24 months of taking ownership and that the development is a for-profit, commercial enterprise. The business development shall be taxable and subject to property assessment. The Business District zoning requirements for use and area shall apply to any development (setbacks, height, permitted uses, etc).

Since development of the Parcel is sought, a Repurchase Agreement shall be incorporated into the closing documents which will be recorded with the Sauk County Register of Deeds at the time of sale. The Repurchase Agreement or Buy-Back Agreement shall contain the following conditions:

  1. Owner shall commence construction on the Parcel within 12 months and be issued an occupancy permit within 24 months.
  2. Parcel shall be developed with an assessable structure that complies with the zoning district use and area requirements which shall have a minimum completed building area of 3000 square feet.
  3. If conditions stated in #1 and #2 are not complied with, the Village shall have the right to repurchase the Parcel, regardless of the state of development from the Owner for the original purchase price.
  4. The Village Board may, at the Owner’s request, grant an extension to the Owner to comply with the provisions.

A square foot requirement was discussed. Ring motioned to set a minimum of a 3,000 square foot structure subject to Development & Planning’s approval. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.

Sauk County will need to be asked if the sale price can be held by the Village until someone builds there because of the repurchase agreement.


Public Works Department Report

Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, reported to the board that there was a main break across the street from the municipal building yesterday. The fix took a couple of days because of the way the Municipal Building’s lateral connection.

The lateral that comes into the lift station in front of the man hole is leaking. The lateral will service future development on the lot by the compost site. Nick will talk to experts before he decides what the best course of action is. It will be plugged now to at least stop the water coming into the lift station.


Committee Reports

Finance & Green TTEC – Schluter

No Finance Committee report and no Green TTEC Board report.


Park, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt

The Home Talent baseball team has asked if the dugouts could be painted green

No Cable or SCDC Report.


Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber

Carolyn Forde, Library Director, addressed the board regarding the roll the library plays in a community. The library can help the area economically. Libraries are thought of as a good thing for kids and a gathering place for groups. The library draws people to the community. When people think of Plain, they think about the library, amongst other attractions, that makes Plain desirable. Forde plans to market the library and has started networking to promote the library. Forde thanked the Green TTEC Director for information about the school, Public Works for help with building maintenance and the Clerk for patience during Forde’s learning phase.

Participation of the Children’s Story Hour on Fridays had not been well attended. Forde is researching many factors. Hours and staffing at the library need to be reconfigured.

The South Central Library System is helping Forde develop a logo for the library free of charge. The process started with a design in the tile. The logo will identify who we are.

The Library Board has addressed the air conditioner. Village President Ring expressed to Trustee Gerber previously that it should not be put out for bids but given to the local contractor. The Library Board unanimously voted in favor to go out for bids. Three bids were received. It was realized that all contractors have different warranties; one year, five years and ten years on parts. The Library Board will decide what bid to take. Ring asked how much did the local contractors donate to build the library. Forde answered a lot and stated that the Library Board is committed to shop locally whenever possible. Forde expressed that if there is anything she can do to encourage Mr. Nachreiner to participate in the bid process she would be happy to do that. When taxpayer dollars are invested, we need to do the best for our people.

President Ring turned to Nick Ruhland to elaborate on why Nachreiner Plumbing is so important to Public Works. Ruhland shared a story of needing their assistance and even though he was in Reedsburg, he dropped what he was doing to come and help. Ellenbolt pointed out that Prairie Plumbing & Heating also comes immediately in the event of an emergency. Kraemer noted that Plain has a rapport with Prairie Plumbing & Heating in regards to main breaks. An air conditioner is a straightforward purchase where with today’s web technology it should be able to be priced before quotes are received.

Gerber had asked one of the bidders about response time if something were to malfunction. This particular company has three men on call at all times and will be here within an hour. Nachreiner did not put a bid in. The Library Board has no idea what his price or warranty is. The low bid that was received has the best warranty at 10 years.

Circulation has increased.

No Police Committee or RV Court Report.


Streets & Utilities– Kraemer

Water Pumpage for December:

Well No. 1:   529,000

            Well No. 2:   1,797,000

Total for December: 2,326,000 gallons, which was 321,000 gallons more than last year.

Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.

            Monthly fluoride average: 1.07 p.p.m.  Monthly chlorine average: .35 p.p.m.

Wastewater Report for November:

            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    181 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    8          Limit: 15 mg/l

            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      203 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      7          Limit: 20 mg/l

Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .286 p.p.m.   

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

                        29.0 mg/l Daily

            Total gallons treated: 2,665,600

The Streets Committee is planning for the next project. Not much snow plowing so far this season.


Building & Ordinance – Brunson

No Building or Ordinance Committee report.


Pool & Golf – Box

The pool lifeguard positions are being advertised. The Pool Committee will be going through applications and will possibly have something for February’s board meeting.

The Golf Course Committee will be scheduling a meeting. Public Works rented a tractor with a mower for around the creek. Ruhland is hoping to do that again this year.


Development/Planning & Plain’s 100 Year – Ring

No Development & Planning Commission report.

The Plain’s 100 year Commemoration Committee met and discussed a number of different options. No date has been finalized. The County Board will do a resolution to recognize Plain’s 100 year anniversary.


Other Business

Murphy reviewed the details of Change Order #5 for Ideal Builders. This was an adjustment for direct owner purchases. Ellenbolt motioned to approve Change Order #5, a deduction of ($11,787.46) for Ideal Builders. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.

Murphy reviewed the details of Change Order #6 for Ideal Builders for additional outlets and conduit in the amount of $1,637.23. Schluter motioned to approve Change Order #6. Ring seconded. Motion carried.

Pay Request #8 for Ideal Builders, Inc. was discussed. Ellenbolt motioned to approve Pay Request #8 in the amount of $2,577.60 for Ideal Builders, Inc. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.

Final Pay Request #9 for Ideal Builders, Inc. was discussed. Schluter motioned to approve the Final Pay Request #9 in the amount of $1,637.23 for Ideal Builders, Inc. Box seconded. Motion carried.



 The Clerk announced that there will be no election in February.

The bank will give a donation of $2,500 towards recreational trail.


 Review and Audit of Invoices:

Kraemer motioned to pay Check #18167 payable to Prairie Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $133.15 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Ring seconded. Motion carried.

A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Kraemer. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.


General Fund 



Capital Improvements



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course



Wage Reimbursements:



Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn at 8:32 p.m. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.


Sheila Tafs
