Minutes: May 4, 2011 Special Mtg

Village of Plain

Special Village Board Meeting of May 4, 2011


A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on May 4, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. The following members were present: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Cole Brunson; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter Trustees.


Others present: Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; Robert Kraemer; and, John Dischler


Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Friday, April 29, 2011. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic.


The purpose of this meeting was discussion and action regarding bids for the remaining work in the Honey Creek Business Park; discussion and action on President's recommendations for committee/commission assignments; discussion and action regarding signage for the Plain A’s Home Talent Baseball Team in conjunction with the Development & Planning Commission; and, discussion regarding meeting format.


The meeting was called to order by President Ring at 6:30 p.m.


Shawn Murphy discussed the bids for Honey Creek Business Park. Rule Construction, Ltd. of Dodgeville is the low bidder with a reconfigured bid of $350,950.50. An addition to a line item unintentionally left blank was added to their bid using another line item cost requiring the same material. Rule Construction’s recalculated amount is still lower than the second lowest bid amount of $382,482.50. Strand Associates has worked with Rule Construction in the past and finds them to be a responsible contractor. Rule Construction is the recommended contractor with the condition of EDA approval. The Village has received all requested documents from Rule Construction. Everything checks out.


Trustee Brunson arrived at 6:34pm.


The bid amount cannot be exceeded without board approved change orders. It is anticipated that a change order will be submitted for turf restoration. The EDA has approved using Rawson to finish the water main installation. Rawson was the utility subcontractor under the previous contract. This way there is one contractor instead of two contractors. This will also keep the cost reasonable.


Murphy presented new estimated figures of the project to include Rule Construction’s bid. The Village cost is higher than preliminary figures because of the EDA’s ruling on the Meise Contract. The Village will incur about $384,000 over what was originally estimated. The Village is currently financed with a Bond Anticipation Note. At the completion of the project when final costs are realized, the Village Board will approve bonds which will be in the $1.1 million range.


Ellenbolt motioned to award the bid to Rule Construction in the amount of $350,950.50. Gerber seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Box – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Schluter – Yes. Motion carried.


Trustee Box motioned to have a caveat in regards to the bid being amended based on the seeding to be removed. After change order discussion, the motion died due to a lack of a second.


In discussion of the President's recommendations for committee/commission assignments, President Ring proposed a modification that Trustee Gerber be the Chair for the Police Committee, which Trustee Ellenbolt was intended, and Ellenbolt take the Cable TV Contact position in Gerber’s place. Brunson motioned to accept the President’s recommendations with the suggested change. Schluter seconded. Ring – Yes; Box – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Schluter – Yes. Motion carried.


At 6:50pm the Development & Planning Commission was called to order to meet in conjunction with the Village Board. The duo meeting discussed signage for the Plain A’s Home Talent Baseball Team. The sign would be located by the medical clinic and would display when the Home Talent games are. Schluter raised concerns regarding obstruction of view at that intersection. There should be a stipulation that it is set back far enough. Ring stated his desire for the team to give ownership of the sign to the Village of Plain. The Village would have control of moving it or eliminating it if problems do arise. Another reason for the Village to own it would be to not set a precedent in regards to others wanting to display signs all over town. John Dischler stated the importance of it being a quality sign that the wind can not blow around. They would also have to work around other temporary signs in that area.


The Development & Planning Commission recommended to the Village Board to approve the signage.


Kraemer motioned to approve signage for the Plain A’s Home Talent Baseball Team. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.



President Ring informed the board that Trustee Box completed the Board of Review (BOR) training and is now certified. Ring also ordered a CD of the BOR class if anyone else wants to review BOR protocol. Websites also exist if anyone else wants to review the information.


Ring was contacted by School Board member, Paul Cummings, who has been appointed to organize a study to review options to consolidate all of the River Valley Elementary schools. They would like representatives from all communities to be on the committee. It can be a board member or a citizen. Ring will attend the first meeting if no one can be found.


Ring, Ellenbolt and Gerber attended a Sauk County event discussing taxation and budgets. Speaker Todd Berry, of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, explained how with the state in financial trouble it trickles down to put the counties and municipalities in worse financial trouble. We need to be prepared for the challenges.


President Ring recognized an Office of the Governor Proclamation as this week as being Municipal Clerks week.


President Ring then discussed meeting format. A moment of silence will be listed before roll call in which individuals can use it as a time to reflect. It will last 10-15 seconds. Ring is a supporter of collaboration with how to fix a problem or move forward. There are a few things that need to be accomplished. The Honey Creek Business Park needs goals to carry out and stay on track. Ring also ideas on how to move forward with the replacement of the Main Street wall with Sauk County.


Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.





Sheila Tafs
