Minutes: May 9, 2012

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of May 9, 2012

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of theVillageofPlainwas held at theMunicipalBuildingonMay 9, 2012. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; John Dischler; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, James Liegel, Trustees. Trustee Stephanie Box was absent.

Others present: Jack Schluter, Marion Copus-Home News, Carolyn Forde-Library Director, Officer Chuck Schreiber, Shawn Murphy-Green TTEC Director and Nick Ruhland-Public Works Director.

Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Villageof Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, May 7, 2012. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.

Gerber motioned to approve minutes from the April 11, 2012 Regular Board meeting. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried with Trustee Liegel abstaining.


Police Department Report

Officer Schreiber had no report.


Public Works Department Report

Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, informed the Board that the water leak on Crestwood Drive was repaired on April 26th. A leak was discovered at the water lateral to Jeremy Kraemer’s home as a result of the leak survey conducted earlier. This leak was a significant contribution to the water loss for the system last year.

Ruhland was just notified about a new law for the pool to be assessable for the disabled. The law takes effect on May 21, 2012. Ruhland contacted the Department of Safety, who oversees pools. They informed him that the Department of Justice will do the policing. However, there is a chance of a 180 day moratorium. This could possibly delay the pool opening. Ruhland will be looking into this issue.

Ruhland reported that the DNR conducted an inspection of the water utility and noted the following minor deficiencies: John Ruhland’s Water System Operator Certification which has been taken care of, a schedule for replacing 4” mains, replace a pump and screen vents at Well House #1 and develop a procedure for switching on emergency power.


Committee Reports

President Ring presented his recommendations for committee/commission assignments, commenting that he attempted to appoint individuals where they expressed interest. Ellenbolt discussed the Sauk County Development Corporation (SCDC) representative. Ellenbolt commented that he has been the representative for the past five years and has developed good relationships on the SCDC Board but from the discussion at the last Village Board meeting he got the impression that the Trustees were unsatisfied with his continued representation of the Village. Ellenbolt believes there needs to be a direct relationship between SCDC and Chair of Green TTEC Board. Ring had volunteered for the position. Ellenbolt said he spoke with Gene Dalhoff who encouraged him to remain as representative. Ellenbolt felt it would be a mistake to change this position this year, especially with everything occurring at HCBP. Ellenbolt requested to be reappointed as representative to SCDC. Liegel motioned to appoint Ellenbolt as SCDC representative, Ring seconded. Motion carried.

It was noted that by ordinance the SCDC representative shall be a member of the Development and Planning Commission. Liegel offered to substitute Ellenbolt in place of himself on the commission. After discussion, Kraemer motioned to replace Liegel with Ellenbolt on Development and Planning Commission. Liegel seconded. Motion carried.

Gerber moved to substitute Jack Schluter in lieu of Pat Nachreiner for the Green TTEC Board and substitute Phil Studnicka in lieu of Jack Schluter for River Valley Municipal Court Commission. Liegel commented about the importance for attendance on Committees and felt Schluter’s position on the Sauk County Revolving Loan Committee was important for Green TTEC. Liegel seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-1 with Ring voting no.

Ellenbolt moved to accept remaining Committee/Commission appointments as presented, Liegel seconded. Motion carried.


Building Committee & Fire District – Dischler

No reports.


Green TTEC, Parks, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt

The Green TTEC Board met on April 30 and finalized the trail alignment. With the additional grant funds, letters were sent to individuals and businesses that pledged donations giving them an update on the project and informing them of the Board’s decision to pursue fund raising for additional trail amenities through the sale of personalized brick pavers. Additional funds raised would pay for enhancements such as solar lights along the path and electric and water to the picnic shelter. Westbrook is working on bid.

The drinking fountain was replaced at the park. However, a tire swing needs to be replaced so Parks fund budget is expended for the year. They discussed ideas for raising additional funds such as movies at the library and will work with Carolyn.


Library, Police & RV Court – Gerber 

Carolyn Forde, Library Director submitted a six month update to the board. The patrons feel comfortable and well served. They are drawn to that space and visitors are impressed. The library has a wonderful board and wonderful employees. Wisconsin is known for their well- organized libraries. The hours of operation were changed to be in compliance. The number of hours were below standard. Raises were given to the Library Clerks due to being underpaid. The computers are getting old and will not accommodate new updates. The library is implementing an equipment rotation plan for the computers. A new wireless system was installed that is more secure. The community is having a wonderful time with the programming that has been initiated: A dog for children to read to, other youth programming, adult programming of Friday Night Foodies and tax assistance for the elderly. Public Works helped with the new A/C, landscaping and the handicap door. The fire panel has been activated. The grandfather clock was repaired. Kraemers will be donating a patron counter. A logo was created. The community room policy and the brochure were updated. A grant was received for summer programming. Circulation was over 34,000 in 2011. Village residents were 14,203, Bear Creek was 6,656 and Franklin was 6,257. The counties reimburse the library for other users. Third smallest library in Sauk County. 

No Police or RV Court report.


Streets & Utilities– Kraemer 

Water Pumpage for April, 2012: 

Well No. 1:   547,000

            Well No. 2:   1,696,000 

Total for April: 2,243,000 gallons, which was 399,000 gallons more than last year. 

Two bacteria & two raw well samples were sent to the State Lab. All samples tested safe. 

            Monthly fluoride average: 1.31 p.p.m.  Monthly chlorine average: .35 p.p.m. 

Wastewater Report for April, 2012:

            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    169 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    9          Limit: 15 mg/l

            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      147 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      8         Limit: 20 mg/l

Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .0644 p.p.m. 

Limit:     20.0 mg/l Monthly, 29.0 mg/l Daily

            Total gallons treated: 2,425,700

A series of patches will be done because of utility work. The committee is seeking quotes for the alley repair next to St. Luke’s Avenue where last year’s sewer lateral repair had taken place. The Streets Committee will meet to discuss.

Ring inquired as to the status of malfunctioning streets lights near the pump house on the golf course. Ruhland stated there is a fault somewhere along the underground lines which need to be replaced. Liegel suggested evaluating replacing the lights with solar street lights. Murphy and Ruhland will see if grant funding and suitable replacements are available.


Finance & Ordinance – Liegel

Liegel said he is reviewing budgets and fund balances.

The Ordinance Committee will need to meet to revise the dog ordinance and review other ordinances for updating.


Pool & Golf – Box

No report for the Pool and Golf Course Committees.


Development/Planning & Plain’s 100 Year – Ring

Development & Planning Commission will meet on May 16th.

Plain’s 100 year Commemoration Committee will review status of fireworks due to Mr. Schell’s injury. Ring indicated that Sen. Schultz and Rep. Marklein will make presentations prior to the parade along with past Village Presidents.


Project List

Ring proposed posting continuing current and upcoming Department and Committee Projects occurring in the Village and on the website. Ring believes this would assist in keeping residents informed as to what is occurring. The Board was supportive and felt the list should be maintained and updated periodically. Ring asked all Departments and Committees to submit your list to Sheila by May 16, 2012.

Library Board Vacancies

Jean Bergman and Becky Zwettler are retiring. Gerber moved to appoint Jack Schluter and Kim Kaukl to the vacancies on the Library Board, Liegel seconded. Motion carried.

Facility Planning Task Force

Ring proposed appointing a Task Force to explore options to address long term needs for the Village of Plain. Ring explained that while the recent move by the Fire District EMT’s to find quarters was one reason for conducting this process, he felt it was beneficial to have a strategic plan in place that identifies long term needs and how best to utilize existing buildings. Ring proposed a seven member committee with three Village Board members, 1-2 citizens, Shawn Murphy, Sheila Tafs and possibly Nick Ruhland. Ring proposed Gary Weiss as a citizen, Liegel, Dischler and himself as Board members.

Waldmüchen Proclamation

The Board reviewed a Proclamation recognizing visitors from Waldmüchen, Germany, the Village’s Sister City. The visitors will be here June 1-3, 2012. Kraemer motioned to approve the Proclamation as presented, Gerber seconded. Motion carried.

Seasonal Public Works Employee

Ruhland reported that nine applicants were received and four were interviewed. Ruhland recommended hiring James Brey. Ring motioned to approve James Brey as the seasonal Public Works Employee at a wage rate determined in closed session. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.

Insurance Proposal – League of Wisconsin Municipalities

The insurance proposal was reviewed. Kraemer motioned to approve the renewal insurance proposal from League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance for the period of June 2012 through May 2013. Liegel seconded. Motion carried. 

Applications for Liquor Licenses

Liegel motioned to approve the following applications for licenses: 

           Renewal of Class “B” Beer and Class “B” Liquor to:

                        American Legion Post #398, Delbert Meise, agent                           

                        Leroy Gruber

                        I-Diehl Tap, L.L.C., Emil Diehl, agent

                        Allen Ring


            Renewal of Class “A” Beer and Class “A” Liquor to:

                        The Cheesemaker #1 Inc., Constance Schweiss,

                        Phil’s River Valley Supermarket, Inc., Lewis Bettinger, agent


            Renewal of Class “A” Beer to:

                        Consumer’s Co-Op Oil Co., Daniel Baun, agent

                        Plain Kwik Stop, Inc., Dwayne Faber, agent

Kraemer seconded. Motion carried with Ring abstaining on Allen Ring.


Green TTEC Director Report

Murphy reported on the following:

In Business Commercial Design Award

On May 8, Ray Ellenbolt and Murphy attended an awards banquet provided by the In Business periodical in which the Green TTEC won two of eight awards presented for commercial building design. EUA entered the Green TTEC design for consideration by a panel of three judges fromMilwaukeeand Chicago who awarded our entryFirst   Placein the Best Small Project and Best Green-Built Project categories. Other award winners were Chazen Museum of Art inMadison(Project of the Year), UWUnionSouth, Madison (Best Large Project), Dean Orthopedic Clinic, Madison (Best New Office),LakeCityPlaza, Madison (Best New Retail), Madison Investment Advisors, Madison (Best Office Renovation) and Gold’s Gym atCityCenter,Milwaukee(Best Retail Renovation).

MATC 2nd Round – Spring Semester

MATC is enrolling students for their 2nd half of the spring semester classes which start May 15. Class schedules and registration can be found on-line at www.madisoncollege.org, calling 524-7800 (Reedsburg Campus), at the Plain Village Hall or Green TTEC.

Recreation Trail

Final trail alignment was nailed down last week and submitted for final design and DNR permits.  The revised trail alignment requires easements from Randy Liegel and The Kraemer Company. Next week Murphy will meet with DNR as part of the process to obtain the bridge and wetland permits.

CDBG-Planning Grant/Alliant Foundation Grant Applications

Murphy has drafted an application for a CDBG Functional Planning grant to the WEDC for $19,000 and submitted an application to the Alliant Energy Foundation for Community Development Partnership Program for matching funds in conjunction with the CDBG grant. I am meeting with a WEDC representative later this week to review the application. Murphy was informed that the CDBG program is on hold until the WEDC implements new rules from the US Dept. of HUD, who funds CDBG grants. The Village Board will consider the CDBG application at their June meeting.

Other Events at Green TTEC

  • Tornado Spotters      Training May 14. 
  • RVHS AP Testing May      10 & 16.
  • Kraemer Co Training      May 17 & 18.

Ring suggested a letter be drafted for appreciation to EUA for submitting the Green TTEC design for consideration.


Amendment to Westbrook Associates Agreement
Murphy explained that the Board approved the base engineering proposal of $9,900 for design and bid of the Recreation Trail project from Westbrook in February, 2012. At that time, only 50% of the grant funding was awarded and the Village opted not to select additional services in order to reduce costs. With the additional grant funding awarded last month, Murphy would like to add design and bid of the Picnic Shelter for an additional $2,200 which will be funded with the additional grant. Ellenbolt motioned to amend Westbrook Associated Engineers’ agreement to include the design for the picnic shelter for an additional $2,200, Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.



A Special Village Board meeting will occur on May 16, 2012 at 5:30 pm to consider initial authorization resolutions to solicit bids for bonds to pay off the HCPB/Green TTEC construction loan. Board of Review will be held that same evening from 6pm-8pm.


Review and Audit of Invoices:

A motion to pay the monthly invoices was made by Gerber. Liegel seconded. Motion carried. 


General Fund 



Capital Improvements



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course








Wage Reimbursements:





Closed Session

Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn to closed session per Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(c) Re: Discussion and possible action regarding wages for Public Works Helper; and Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(e) Re: Discussion and possible action regarding an Offer to Purchase of 1055 Wachter Avenue at9:08 p.m.Gerber seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Dischler – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Liegel - Yes. Motion carried.


Sheila Tafs
