Minutes: Public Hearing April 4, 2007
Public Hearing
Oak Street & Reservoir Avenue Special Assessments
April 4, 2007
A Public Hearing was held by the Village of Plain Board of Trustees at the Municipal Building on April 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: William Gruber, President; David Buchanan; Kevin Kraemer; Gary Leeck; James Liegel; Harold Murry; and, Philip Studnicka, Trustees.
Others Present: Richard Soeldner, Raymond Ellenbolt and Nick Ruhland.
Notice of this public hearing was posted on March 21, 2007 in the following locations in the Village of Plain: Municipal Building, Plain Post Office and The Peoples Community Bank. A Class 2 Notice was published in the Home News on March 21 and 28, 2007.
The following property owners were mailed notice of the Hearing on March 20, 2007:
Carol Meixelsperger, Florence Schluter, Ann Reisinger, Edward & Mary Ann Tubb, Patrick Ederer, Clarence & Theresa Young, Kenneth & Susan Bindl, Caroline Dischler, Harry & Cindy Cork, Norman & Louise Kraemer, Richard Soeldner, Greg Patterson and Eugene Schmid.
The public hearing was called to order by President Gruber at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the public hearing was to provide the property owners of Oak Street and Reservoir Avenue an opportunity to comment upon the proposed construction project.
Richard Soeldner addressed the board regarding his property at 1085 Oak Street. He asked the board to be exempt from the construction project for the reason that the property never had public sidewalk, there are no children residing at the residence, and on block 10 of Oak Street motor vehicles do not park.
The board discussed their reasons for the upgrade. A survey recently sent out to Village residents acknowledged that residents would like more sidewalks and keep current sidewalks in good condition. There has been more walking activity and having sidewalks is a safety issue for children. This particular sidewalk is a hazard and is long overdue for restoration. The board understands that sidewalks ending in the middle of the block put the property owners with no sidewalk in a challenging position. It is best to be consistent in all future projects to finish sidewalks around town.
Liegel motioned not to exempt 1085 Oak Street from the construction project. This was seconded by Murry and it carried unanimously.
Murry motioned to adjourn. This was seconded by Leeck, and carried unanimously at 7:33 p.m.
Sheila Tafs