Minutes: November 11, 2009
Village Board Proceedings of
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Roll Call: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Robert Jewell; James Liegel; Duane Meise; Robert Neuheisel; and, Merry Lynn Riek, Trustees.
Others present: Gerald Liegel; Gary Ilminen of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the
Meise motioned to approve the October 14, 2009 Regular board meeting with the addition of Kevin Kraemer added to others present. This was seconded by Neuheisel and carried unanimously.
Jewell then motioned to approve the October 28, 2009 Special board meeting with the addition of Kevin Kraemer and Al Brey added to others present. This was seconded by Riek and carried unanimously.
Gerald Liegel raised concerns regarding the contractor on the Cedar Street Project. He was told that a penalty was imposed by the Village because they had gone past the deadline date. He believes that the residents should be reimbursed their portion through their curb & gutter charges. Mr. Liegel was informed that the contractor was not charged a penalty. They came in under budget even though there was a large add-on. Mr. Liegel also complained how the contractor left almost an inch height difference between the gutter and the blacktop. He thought it could be an issue for snow removal so he ground it down. The board will talk to Josh Straka regarding the problem.
Police Department Report
Officer Chuck Schreiber presented a report from the Spring Green Police Department. The department is saving most of its November hours for time during deer hunting and Thanksgiving. In October, two speeding citations were issued, 12 verbal warnings, 10 written warnings, and then seven complaints. Officers are going to start tagging cars regarding snow removal hours in the business district. A large amount of candy was purchased for Halloween. The Officer on duty gave candy out to kids when the Officer stopped to talk to kids that evening.
Public Works Department Report
Nick Ruhland addressed the board regarding the sewer main at Alma Liegel’s house has been repaired along with another water main break in that area.
The loader has gone in for repair to get ready for winter. Many items were repaired.
Part of American Legion Drive is being dug up because of an electrical repair for the Legion.
Committee Reports
Building & Swimming Pool – Buchanan
The squirrel on a stump has arrived at the baby pool and the repair work for the drains and the painting is complete. Two of three Simply Swimming invoices will be paid tonight. Simply originally ordered the incorrect swimsuits and then ordered the correct ones. The guards ended up keeping both the swimsuits because of a miscommunication. Buchanan will be calling Simply Swimming to negotiate the price on the incorrect swimsuits.
Pete Giese has requested a permission letter from the Building Committee regarding issuing a building permit to Matt Snow for a fence. Buchanan will write this letter.
The Building Committee feels that the fines for Biggers are justified. However, a decision has to be made regarding the amount of the most recent fine.
Police – Meise
No Police Committee report.
Golf & Parks – Neuheisel
No Parks Committee Report.
No Golf Course Committee Report. Neuheisel plans to set up a meeting later this month.
Finance & Library Liaison – Riek
The Finance Committee met last evening. The year end budget was reviewed and the Committee asks that there be no more expenditures for the remainder of the year. The 2010 budget was finalized.
The Library board met. They hosted annual Pies for Pages and it was very successful. A long range planning process was discussed.
Water & Sewer - Liegel
Water Pumpage for October:
Well No. 1: 519,000
Well No. 2: 1,745,000
Total for October: 2,264,000 gallons, which was 105,000 gallons less than last year.
Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.01 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for October:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 152 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 6 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 162 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 9 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .491 mg/l
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 2,434,500
Streets & Ordinance – Jewell
The Streets Committee is applying for a grant for local road improvement for Nachreiner Avenue and Cedar Street.
There will be Public Hearings on December 2, 2009 for a new floodplain ordinance and flood insurance map and also for the adoption of the floodplain map for the Plain Honey Creek Business Park.
Development & Planning –
Agenda items for a meeting need to be written up.
Other Business
Buchanan motioned to place special assessments for curb and gutter for parcel numbers
171-0096-00000, in the amounts of $125.47 and $405.00; 171-0097-00000, in the amount of $405.00; 171-0098-00000, in the amount of $416.00; and, 171-0151-00000 in the amount of $405.00, on the 2009 tax roll. This was seconded by Meise, and then carried unanimously.
The Building Committee is still reviewing the amount of fine to charge Parcel #171-0434-00000 for building permit violations. The resident was duly notified regarding the problem and will be fined some amount. The issue was tabled.
Gerald Liegel paid $55.00 to the Village for concrete for steps at his residence during the Cedar Street project. The contractor charged the Village $110.00 for one yard of concrete for the steps, but Liegel had claimed that a full yard was not used. He obtained cement from elsewhere to finish the job. Trustee James Liegel has concerns about setting a precedent if the Village forgave the other $55.00. Nick Ruhland agreed that it was less than a yard even though Iverson charged the Village for a yard. The issue was tabled until Josh Straka can clarify their side of the story.
Trustee Liegel explained that the Sewer Department needs to increase sewer rates because the budget is in the red. This increase will average $1.00 - $1.50 per month for a household. Sewer’s revenue has decreased significantly in investment interest income. Interest rates are considerably lower than just a couple years ago. Sewer is not regulated by the PSC. However, the idea is to increase in increments so residents aren’t hit hard like they were with the water rate increase last year.
Trustee Liegel read the first reading of Ordinance 162-09 to increase wastewater treatment service charges from $4.75 per 1,000 gallons to $5.05 per 1,000 gallons, after December 31, 2009.
There will not be a first reading for adding Chapter 19 “Floodplain Zoning Ordinance” and adopting the Village of Plain’s Honey Creek Business Park map, flood profiles and floodway data table. Instead a Class 2 publication for a Public Hearing to be held on December 2, 2009 will validate adoption of both floodplain matters.
Judge Patrick Taggart excused himself from the wall case because of the likelihood that he may be acquainted with some of the witnesses.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
Liegel motioned to pay Voucher #11527 payable to First Supply, LLC in the amount of $83.30 and Voucher #11533 payable to L.W. Allen, Inc.. in the amount of $86.37 and Voucher #11538 payable to Nachreiner Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc. in the amount of $136.12 from the Sewer Parts Replacement Fund. This was seconded by Jewell, and then carried unanimously.
President Ellenbolt explained his point of view regarding The Bruce Company invoice in the amount of $932.40 for Kraemer Brothers’ sprinkler system damaged by Iverson Construction. The Bruce Company invoice was expensive for what they did. Ellenbolt feels that the Village should split the bill with Kraemer Brothers because the Village may have paid for it if someone other than The Bruce Company had fixed it. Buchanan commented that the Village needs to be consistent referring to Gerald Liegel’s steps discussed earlier. Meise stated that it is the property owner’s responsibility to remove their sprinkler heads when street work is being done. He feels that it is not the Village’s responsibility or the Contractor’s responsibility. Trustee Liegel had to pay for his own stucco repair when Main Street work had damaged it. Nick Ruhland pointed out the Kraemer Brothers is a huge contributor to the Village on all levels. They help Public Works with street lights, Christmas decorations, and equipment use. They have donated major funds for the park and their efforts during the flooding were also costly, but contributed to the Village. Buchanan feels that its give and take with Kraemer Brothers, for example, the Village created the TIF for Kraemer Brothers. Riek feels the Contractor is partially at fault. Josh had said it is in the parameter of the project and it should not have been missed. Riek feels the Village should pay half. Jewell asked if Strand feels any liability for not having it in the project plan. Another problem is that the inspectors aren’t doing their job. Liegel motioned to deny payment of The Bruce Company invoice in the amount of $932.40. This was seconded by Meise. Roll call vote: Ellenbolt – No; Buchanan – Yes; Jewell – Yes; Liegel – Yes; Meise – Yes; Neuheisel – No; Riek – No. The motion carried to deny payment by a 4 to 3 vote.
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Liegel. Riek seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
General Fund | $49,472.32 | Water Utility | $6,276.56 | ||
Library Fund | $1,791.60 | Sewer Department | $2,721.91 | ||
Golf Course | $282.22 | ||||
Wage Reimbursements: | $12,081.79 |
Liegel motioned to adjourn to Closed Session at 8:55 p.m. to take action on Village employee pay rates. This was seconded by Buchanan. Roll call vote: Ellenbolt – Yes; Buchanan – Yes; Jewell – Yes; Liegel – Yes; Meise – Yes; Neuheisel – Yes; Riek – Yes. The motion carried unanimously.
The board returned from Closed Session at 9:09 p.m. Meise motioned to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Neuheisel and carried unanimously.
Sheila Tafs