Minutes: September 14, 2011

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of September 14, 2011



The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on September 14, 2011. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at 7:30 p.m.


Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Cole Brunson; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees.


Others present: Kirk Williams, Jr.; Dawn Williams; Robert Kraemer; Marian Copus of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.


Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, September 12, 2011. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.


Schluter motioned to approve minutes from the August 10, 2011 Regular Board meeting. Box seconded. Motion carried.



Agenda Guests


Kirk and Dawn Williams were present to address the board regarding significant problems with their sewer line. There are many sewer back-ups at the property. In order to fix the problem, it needs to be a new line. Kirk Williams indicated that they are looking for help with the cost. Nick Ruhland presented a map of where sewer lines exist around the Williams’ residence. There is no sewer on St. Luke’s Avenue in front of their house. Kraemer recommended crossing St. Luke’s Avenue and tapping into the alley between Oak Street and Cherry Street. It is the only direction that would not require an easement. The Village Board directed them to get estimates and take their request to the Utilities Committee. The committee can bring a recommendation back to the board.


Dawn Williams requested that a “No Parking” marking on Nachreiner Avenue at the end of their driveway be repainted. Problems occur during St. Luke’s fish fries. It’s against the law to block a driveway. Public Works will look into painting it.


Jennifer Kraemer addressed the board regarding the library budget. A new Library Director is being sought. She gave the board the job description for Library Director. Historically the position has been 37 hours. She is requesting the position to be increased to 40 hours. She asked for the Village to pick up benefits cost for the new Library Director. Jennifer believes that it needs to be considered a full time professional position. Ring explained the difficulty the Village is already facing with state cuts.



Police Department Report


Officer Chuck Schreiber informed the board that the squad car is set for winter.



Green TTEC Director Report


Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, informed the Village Board that substantial completion was attained on August 26, 2011. The clean up, compliance and LEED commissioning inspections are in punchlist stage. Proposals and quotes are being circulated for furniture, equipment and installations. Specifically, proposals are for audio/video installation in the classrooms and conference room. Along with office, workshop and conference room furniture proposals have been received and will be considered by the Village Board. Proposals are being solicited for data/phone cable installation, IT network components, telephone system, kitchen appliances, computer desks and possibly a building access system. The floor polishing was substandard in fashion at the Green TTEC Building. There will be a meeting with the subcontractor to give direction on how to correct.


Punchlist items for the Honey Creek Business Park have been completed and accepted by the Engineer. Final lien waivers have been submitted. We are still waiting on payroll reports. Engineer recommends payment of final pay request in the amount of $5,224.06 for a final contract cost of $344,101.70. Bid was awarded to Rule construction for 350,950.50. Meise’s contract was closed out at $1,015,468. EDA will only recognize $423,540 or the material costs of that contract. Total Business Park construction cost is $1,359,569.70, compared to the initial bid from Meise for $1,355,478. EDA grant will participate on $737,642 of those costs at 50% or $383,821 with the Village picking up $975,749.


Our first reimbursement from the EDA in the amount of $641,000 is expected in early October.


SCDC will hold their meeting at the Green TTEC building on September 19, 2011. Green TTEC Board set a date for an Open House on October 9, 2011 form 1-3:30 pm.


There was a repair on the east side of Highway 23. Once the grass and restoration takes hold the problem should not occur.



Public Works Department Report


Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, reported to the board that 3,000 feet of sewer main was cleaned and televised. Public Works has 3,000 feet done each year to the catch the problems early. They had to dig up behind Steve Price’s home due to a broken lateral collar. A Charter cable went through the pipe. Charter was contacted. Ruhland will try to get them to pay for the repair. There were also root problems at Kenny Bindl’s apartment.


The 300 feet of dredging is complete by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The cost was $1,000 for the dredging and $2,500 for restoration, which will be completed in the next day or so. This has not helped creek by Hole #9. That area is silted up. Everything coming from the south was settling by Hole #9. The new dredging may eventually help the silt problem south of the bridge. The Golf Course will need to decide on dredging in that area.



Committee Reports


Finance & Green TTEC – Schluter


The Finance Committee recommends a Grievance System that needs to be approved by the board by October 1st. This is required from Act 10. Schluter motioned to adopt the Grievance System as presented. Box seconded. Motion carried.


The committee also discussed new employee evaluations. Models were reviewed and combined. The employees will complete the self performance review by the end of this year. The performance appraisal will start in a year. Schluter motioned to approve the new self performance review and performance appraisal. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.


Budget forms for committees were distributed tonight. These are due back to the Clerk by October 12th. The Finance Committee will meet with committees on October 19th. The suggested goal is a zero increase budget. The levy limit will increase by .54%. The Village has been so conservative. Budgeting is getting tougher and tougher every year. In the past exceeding the levy limit resulted in taking away shared revenue, now any increase over the levy limit has to be paid to the state. Look at expenses to see where they can be tightened.


Green TTEC has scheduled their open house. Donations for refreshments are being sought. Contractor advertisements will be in the Home News with the open house ad.  The committee is meeting with two real estate companies at the next meeting to market the property. Commissions vary from 6-10%.


Murphy explained proposals for Audio/Video Installation from Fearings and Camera Corner. Murphy recommends Camera Corner because of price and past experience with MATC. Ellenbolt motioned to purchase Audio/Video equipment from Camera Corner in the amount of $24,048.95. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.


Murphy moved on to proposals for furniture from Workspace Solutions, EZ Office Products and two options from EBI. Murphy recommends EBI’s Option 1 for $15,000.01. Ring questioned maintenance of kitchen appliances and furniture. The Village will be hiring a custodian for the building. Schluter motioned to approve Option 1 from EBI. Brunson seconded. Ring voted no. Motion carried. Ring noted his no vote is because he feels a plan is needed before these items are put in place. Motion carried.


There will be additional proposals that need to be acted on in a timely manner. Therefore, Schluter motioned the authorize Green TTEC Board to approve these purchases within the budget parameters. Box seconded. Motion carried.



Park, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt


The Parks Committee will need to meet to discuss the budget.


Cable TV: It was suggested that Charter be contacted regarding payment to the Village since it appears the residents are not getting a break on their cable bills.



Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber


Library Director Jeff Harrison has resigned and applicants are being sought. Also, Library Board President Shirley Meise has resigned. Katie Erb, Board Vice President is stepping into the Presidents spot during the interim. The Library Board is wondering who is in charge of pulling weeds at the library. Public Works duties include only snow removal and mowing grass. Officer Schreiber suggested that The Friends of the Library could be asked to contribute to exterior maintenance. There may be people that would be more than willing to maintain that on a volunteer basis. The new sign is up and running. The Library Board is wondering if the Village has any restrictions on what is displayed on the sign. Box suggested selling advertising for events in the Village for the sign. There is no ordinance right now. Kraemer suggested it should be relevant to the library. The Library Board should develop a policy and bring it to the Village Board.



Streets & Utilities– Kraemer


The Streets Committee and Utilities Committee will meet for budging.


The lift station is fixed. The broken systems had contributed to extra water treated in previous months.



Water Pumpage for August:


Well No. 1:   754,000

            Well No. 2:   2,534,000


Total for August: 3,288,000 gallons, which was 1,015,000 gallons less than last year.


Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.


            Monthly fluoride average: 1.05 p.p.m.  Monthly chlorine average: .14 p.p.m.



Wastewater Report for August:


            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    170 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    6          Limit: 15 mg/l


            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      179 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      5          Limit: 20 mg/l


Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .08136 p.p.m.           

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

                        29.0 mg/l Daily


            Total gallons treated: 2,787,100



Building & Ordinance – Brunson


No Building Committee report.


Ordinance Committee needs to explore a prairie grass ordinance in regards to the new Green TTEC building having prairie grass. Currently, all weeds and grass should not exceed 12 inches. The Village needs to be able to comply with its own ordinance.



Pool & Golf – Box


The pool is closed for season. Revenues collected are slightly over budget. The repairs were low this year. A resident wants a permanent umbrella and complained about discoloration in pool house and flies. The budget is limited.


The Golf Course Committee met to discuss options to try to open the club house. Box talked with the acting Commander and nothing is going to change unless the Village does something. It is being explored for the to Village possibly run it so it opens back up. The discussions are very preliminary. The acting Commander asked the Village to put a proposal together. The American Legion is not following the lease, by not opening. The acting Commander has to send legion members a letter to see if there are any objections. Many items are being explored to get this to work out. It is important for all of the taxpayers for the golf course to cash flow.



Development & Planning – Ring


The Development & Planning Commission recommends rezoning 1055 Wachter Avenue from its present classification of Residential/Prospective Business District to Business/Commercial District. Kraemer motioned to approve rezoning 1055 Wachter Avenue. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.



Other Business


Murphy reviewed the details of Change Order #2 for Rule Construction, LTD. Schluter motioned to approve Change Order #2, a deduction of ($6,848.80) for Rule Construction, LTD. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.


Schluter motioned to approve final pay request from Rule Construction in the amount of $5,224.06. This final payment brings Rule Construction’s final total contract cost to $344,101.70. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.


Murphy reviewed the details of Change Order #3 for Ideal Builders, Inc. Schluter then motioned to approve Change Order #3, a deduction of ($101,847.54) with a corrected new contract price of $1,570,512.69 for Ideal Builders, Inc. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.


Schluter motioned to approve Pay Request #5 in the amount of $480,204.90 for Ideal Builders, Inc. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.


Resolution #2011-11 was changed to “weapon” in areas stating “firearm.” The signs to be posted should also be changed from a gun symbol behind the “NO” symbol to the word “WEAPONS.” Ellenbolt motioned to adopt Resolution #2011-11 with the changes; a resolution allowing the Village to post “No Conceal/Carry Weapons Allowed” signs on Village of Plain buildings. Box seconded. Motion carried.


Ellenbolt motioned to adopt Resolution #2011-12; a resolution exempting the Village from County library tax. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.


Schluter motioned to set a date for the Budget Hearing as Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Box seconded. Motion carried.


Ellenbolt motioned to table agenda items #17 assigning a committee for the Village’s 100 year celebration and #18 Village offering incentives to families relocating to the Village of Plain when buying or building a home. Gerber seconded. Motion carried





Ring distributed the Hub School Committee minutes.



Review and Audit of Invoices:


Kraemer motioned to pay Voucher #16949 payable to USA Blue Book in the amount of $167.74 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.


A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Ellenbolt. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.



General Fund 



Debt Services



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course








Wage Reimbursements:







Schluter motioned to adjourn at 10:31 p.m. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.





Sheila Tafs
