Minutes: February 10, 2010
Village Board Proceedings of
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Roll Call: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Robert Jewell; Duane Meise; Robert Neuheisel; and, Merry Lynn Riek, Trustees. James Liegel was absent.
Others present: Josh Straka of Strand Associates, Inc.; Dan Frank; Lori Edwards; Steve Biggers; David Giffey of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the
Buchanan then motioned to approve minutes from the
Josh Straka of Strand Associates, Inc. addressed the board regarding hiring a Construction Manager for the construction of the Green TTEC building. To keep things timely, a Request for Qualifications should be sent out soon if that is the route the Village wants to take. The Village may be able to save some money by hiring a Construction Manager. It is estimated that they would charge 2-3% of the cost of the building. They would help with the design, make sure things are cost effective, come up with valuable ideas, do cost estimates and the scheduling. The Construction Manager would take plans and specifications and divide it into all sections for bidding. Each section is bid separately. This would give smaller companies a chance to bid directly for the job. A General Contractor would be the Construction Manager. The General Contractor can still bid the job to build it, but they are not guaranteed the job. Buchanan believes it could potentially cost more. He pointed out that the specks have to be written so everyone has an equal opportunity on the bid. The grants allow a Construction Manager. The Federal Government will expect us to pick the low bidder on the building, unless we have good reason why we did not. With a Construction Manager, the Village would have a choice. If a union General Contractor would get the bid for the building, their subcontractors would also have to be union, excluding the local small businesses. Ellenbolt feels that if the architect would lower their fee, the Village should have a Construction Manager. The architect will define the scope of a Construction Manager. The EDA may have a say in how it that is written. Any savings should stay with the Village. Josh will talk to the architect.
The Grant administration is allotted a total of $65,000 between both EDA and CDBG-R grants. Strand Associates will administer all aspects of the grant administration except the financial side of the grant administration. Clerk/Treasurer Tafs will do the financial grant administration as an independent contractor, separate from her Clerk/Treasurer position. This will save the project approximately $25,000 by not having Strand handle the financial aspect of the grant.
Lori Edwards addressed the board regarding complaints about her dog barking. Lori wants the board to explain what an excessively barking dog is because she feels she is being harassed. President Ellenbolt stated that this is a civil matter and needs to be dealt with through the Police Department. Officer Schreiber read the Ordinance pertaining to barking dogs. The Police Department will not take enforceable action unless there are multiple complaints.
Steve Biggers addressed the board regarding removing a $500.00, which is actually a $250.00, fine for a building permit violation from last year. A second fine was not assessed after further violations. Biggers asked the board what they plan to do about the property owners who did work on their house without getting a building permit. Biggers claims he has contacted an attorney and expects all laws to be followed equally for all residents. President Ellenbolt will meet with Biggers at a later time.
Police Department Report
Officer Schreiber was present to discuss the Police Department. Schreiber noted that noise complaints will be determined on a case by case basis. It depends on the circumstances. He needs documentation to take action. If they can correct the problem there is no reason for action. There was a recent snowmobile complaint that was taken care of. The department purchased a new digital camera. The portable radio was received. The mobile radio has not been received yet. Officers are training right now. Spring Green and Plain are cost sharing for training. There was a problem with officers not checking the answering machine, but it has been worked out.
Public Works Department Report
No Report.
Committee Reports
Building & Swimming Pool – Buchanan
The Pool Committee concluded that the Village will no longer offer a Village swim team. They will monitor comments in the next few weeks regarding the decision. The pool is the wrong size. A lot of the kids are joining Spring Green’s team. Parents could form a club time if they want. The season will be Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day. Lifeguards will be advertised for soon.
No Building Committee report.
Police – Meise
No Police Committee report
Golf & Parks & Emergency Government – Neuheisel
For Emergency Government, Neuheisel is in contact with Fire Department and the EMS to review emergency plans. The Nixle system has been launched. It is free for Sauk County residents. It sends emails or texts to people signed up. The Village would like to be a part of it.
Neuheisel presented a picture of the display cabinet the Fire Department would like to move into the upstairs of the Municipal Building. Riek motioned to accept the display cabinet. Buchanan seconded and it carried with Neuheisel abstaining.
The Parks Committee will be having a meeting to discuss the Pavilion roof. The co-ed softball league will return for the 2010 season.
The Golf Course Committee will be meeting soon. The Golf League members are also supposed to be members of the golf course. Starting last year, they changed their rules so their substitutes are not required to be a member of the golf course. The Village Board should have a say over substitutes being a member of the golf course or not because the league closes the course. The Golf Course Committee will discuss this issue.
Finance & Library Liaison – Riek
No Finance Committee report.
During the Green TTEC Advisory Committee meeting at the library, a conference call had to be limited because of only one phone line in the library. More phone lines should be addressed by the Library Board or the Friends of the Library. A conference phone should be purchased too.
Water & Sewer - Liegel
Water Pumpage for January:
Well No. 1: 587,000
Well No. 2: 1,980,000
Total for January: 2,567,000 gallons, which was 41,000 gallons more than last year.
Two bacteria samples and two well samples were sent to the State Lab. All samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.0 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for January:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 179 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 10 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 248 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 17 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .421 mg/l
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 2,574,300
Streets & Ordinance – Jewell
The Streets Committee had a complaint regarding snow removal. Trustee Jewell and Nick Ruhland will discuss and try to solve the problem.
The Ordinance Committee will meet before the next meeting.
Development & Planning and Green TTEC Advisory – Ellenbolt
Green TTEC met to review the Business Plan and Job Description. Jolena was teleconferenced in. Ray contacted Tom Jackson and Dale Schultz, as well as Ron Kind’s office. They will help push the EDA to make a decision. The EDA needed a letter from the Village attorney to prove CDBG-R was not federal funds. Michael Zander attended the meeting. He is involved with a company that deals with Biogas Digesters.
Other Business
The board discussed the Library rolling over unused funds from year to year. President Ellenbolt would like to see what the library is receiving from the county before their budget is approved. Ellenbolt believes that if you have a significant amount of money left at the end of the year, the budget is not realistic which is not fair to the taxpayers. Library wish list items are purchased in December to use up remaining funds at the end of the year. Ellenbolt stated that the last two years the library gave out bonuses and was sure other Village employees would have liked to have gotten a bonus, but did not. (Review of records at a later date showed that Library lump sum bonuses were given in late 2007 & early 2009.) Any excess currently stays in the General Fund. President Ellenbolt motioned to leave it as it is. Buchanan seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ellenbolt – Yes; Buchanan – Yes; Jewell – No; Liegel – Absent; Meise – Abstained; Neuheisel – No; Riek – No. The motion is dead for lack of a quorum majority.
Resolution 2010-02 is a resolution supporting the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 needs to be passed as part of the requirements for the CDGB-R grant. Buchanan motioned to pass Resolution 2010-02. Neuheisel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
There were objections to the new wording for increased restrictions for semi-tractor parking. Using the wording from the Spring Green Ordinance may be too strict considering Plain does not have a designated spot for parking semis and trailers. The Ordinance Committee will review the ordinance.
The wording for the specification of expectations of snow removal from sidewalks also came from Spring Green Ordinances with an addition of how far to clear the snow on the sidewalk. Sidewalks should be cleared to its edge. The Ordinance Committee will review this wording.
Jewell read the second reading of Ordinance 163-10, an Ordinance removing the requirement of the Park Commissioner to also hold the position of the Golf Course Commissioner. Jewell motioned for to approve Ordinance Number 163-10. This was seconded by Ellenbolt and carried unanimously.
Jewell read the second reading of Ordinance 164-10, an Ordinance requiring the Village to pay 100% of initial sidewalk unless in a development. Jewell motioned for to approve Ordinance Number 164-10. This was seconded by Meise and carried unanimously.
The Board then discussed reimbursement to three Oak Street residents for 2007 payments of initial sidewalk. The original motion said when the Ordinance is updated, reimbursements to Oak Street residents should be reviewed. The sidewalk budget could go towards reimbursement for these residents. Jewell motioned to pay Oak Street residents for their 2007 payments of initial sidewalk. Neuheisel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Joel Gaalswyk, Sauk County Board Supervisor, informed the board of Sauk County issues that are going to be discussed. Those issues are a Shoreland Protection Ordinance for compliance with a new state statute; new zoning for the 2008 flooded area in the Town of Spring Green; a state statute regarding working lands; a County Ordinance for a junk vehicle; and, the state owned railroads in Sauk City and Prairie du Sac. The County Ordinance for junk vehicles needs to be redone because it says you can have up to four inoperable vehicles, which is generous. Sauk Prairie’s Comprehensive Plan says to covert their railroad system to a trail system which entails a public use bicycle and pedestrian trail. The Sauk County Economic Development Committee is committed to reach a compromise with all parties involved.
No Correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Meise. Neuheisel seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
General Fund | $499,457.27 | Water Utility | $2,973.06 | ||
Library Fund | $2,863.79 | Sewer Department | $2,952.59 | ||
Debt Services | $0.00 | Golf Course | $48.97 | ||
Wage Reimbursements: | $12,061.95 |
Meise motioned to adjourn to at 9:31 p.m. This was seconded by Jewell and carried unanimously.
Sheila Tafs