Minutes: December 14, 2011
Village of Plain
Village Board Proceedings of December 14, 2011
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of theVillageofPlainwas held at theMunicipalBuildingonDecember 14, 2011. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Cole Brunson; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees.
Others present:MarionCopus of the Home News; Chief Kevin Wilkins; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Villageof Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, December 12, 2011. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.
Ellenbolt motioned to approve minutes from theNovember 9, 2011Regular Board meeting. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried with Brunson abstaining.
Schluter motioned to approve minutes from theNovember 30, 2011Budget Hearing. Gerber seconded. Motion carried with Kraemer abstaining.
Box motioned to approve minutes from theNovember 30, 2011Special Board meeting. Schluter seconded. Motion carried with Kraemer abstaining.
Police Department Report
Chief Kevin Wilkins reported to the board the two part-time officers have resigned and he feels two more will be resigning shortly due to obtaining full-time employment elsewhere. The Chief hired one part-time officer today. The Taser has been purchased. All of the officers are certified. All part-timers have been stunned by a Taser during their training, although it is not required. Winter parking is being watched. The 2012 Police Contract has no changes from the 2011 contract. Kraemer motioned to approve the contract. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Green TTEC Director Report
Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, informed the Village Board that the LEED Commissioning inspection and documentation process is complete. The Green TTEC facility has more than enough points to attain Silver and possibly Gold certification. The Village was required to achieve Silver per the EDA grant. Punchlist items will be completed by next week. Frontier installed internet on December 1st and telephone services on November 22nd.
All building equipment has been bid, awarded and ordered. All items have been installed except for the Lobby Message and Building Access Systems. Below is a summary of the equipment budget along with summary of costs. Of the $100,000 budget, total expenses projected under $72,000. The Green TTEC Board requested exploration of building security/surveillance system.
Summary of Furniture/Fixtures/Equipment Purchases |
Plain Green TTEC |
EDA Project Budget: |
$ 100,000 |
Actual/Projected |
Item |
Supplier |
Budget |
Cost |
Furniture/Tables |
Emmons Bus Interiors |
$ 15,000.00 |
$ 15,006.03 |
Kitchen Appliances |
Bob's Electric |
$ 1,050.00 |
$ 621.00 |
Audio/Video Equipment |
Camera Corner |
$ 30,000.00 |
$ 26,394.00 |
Phone/IT/Cable |
5 Star/Strang |
$ 10,450.00 |
$ 8,377.50 |
Lobby Monitor/Message Board |
Fearings |
$ 3,500.00 |
$ 3,198.32 |
Computer Desks |
EZ Office Products |
$ 10,000.00 |
$ 4,728.90 |
Building Access System |
Fearings |
$ 10,500.00 |
$ 12,678.00 |
Classroom Furniture |
MATC Donated |
$ 15,000.00 |
$ - |
Unallocated/Contingency |
$ 4,500.00 |
$ - |
$100,000.00 |
$ 71,003.75 |
The geothermal system kept tripping off line, requiring natural gas to supplement heating in November. A faulty control was found and replaced. As a result November Alliant Energy bill showed higher electric and gas use. PV panels produced 160 KWH (about 3% of building use for $17.75 credit). Ring asked if the added cost associated with the problem could be refunded under the warranty. Murphy agreed to investigate.
Electric (KWH) |
Electric |
Natural Gas |
Year |
Month |
Total Use |
PV Generation |
Net Use |
Savings |
Use (BTU) |
2011 |
September |
3,520 |
960 |
2,560 |
$113.51 |
1 |
October |
1,600 |
480 |
1,120 |
$ 53.24 |
0 |
November |
5,600 |
160 |
5,440 |
$ 17.75 |
262 |
A “Job Fair” at Green TTEC will be held on Thursday, December 15, 2011 from 4-7pm. Job applicants and general public are encouraged to attend to learn about proposed job positions with Straight Forward. Straight Forward has agreed to lease the entire business incubator area pending the turnout of the Job Fair. A lease will be considered this evening. MATC will also provide information on classes offered in January, 2012. MATC installed computers today. A recommended applicant for cleaning Green TTEC was interviewed and will seek Village Board approval.
The Village received notice of grant awards for the recreational trail in the Honey Creek Business Park. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources decided to only fund 50% of the total cost instead of the 100% that was initially applied for. Area entities will be approached for participation in the cost for materials and equipment. Murphy will put together a proposal for these contributions to show this as the Village’s 50% match obligation for the trail. The budget for the trail was $97,680 and the award was $48,840. The grant has to be accepted by January 6, 2012. If a proposal can be put together for the Village’s match amount, then a special meeting will be called to approve the grant.
Public Works Department Report
Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, reported to the board that there was a water main break yesterday onPlainview Drive. The Williams sewer lateral project is complete.
Committee Reports
Finance & Green TTEC – Schluter
The auditors have notified the Village of the requirement of establishing a Fund Balance Policy. The policy presented has the requirement of having at least 30% of the General Fund Budget in savings accounts as reserves. The Village currently has 48% of the General Fund Budget in undesignated savings. If the Village was to drop below 30%, within two years a plan to replenish needs to be established.
MATC will be starting at Green TTEC next month. Ring questioned if a security system is really necessary and if it will increase the tax burden next year. Schluter responded that the Village will be responsible for 50% of the cost, with the grant covering the other 50%. The total cost would approximately be up to $5,000. Green TTEC Board member and high school principal, Kim Kaukl, had mentioned with students in the building, the halls can be monitored more efficiently and when there is a problem the offender can be verified. The Green TTEC Board thinks a security system is a good idea. Kraemer thought a security system was originally talked about because of the location of the building. People will be there late hours as well.
The board reviewed the lease for Straight Forward. Schluter questioned signs they would install. The sign ordinance regulates any signage and it would also have to be approved by the Village. Murphy summarized the content of the lease agreement. Box questioned Murphy if the lease amount covers all of the costs. Murphy explained that both leases, MATC and Straight Forward, cover approximately 25% of the operating costs of the building. Referring to the business model, the building was not intended to be self sufficient, just like the library. There would be continued reliance on property taxes to help fund the building. Kraemer mentioned the intention of the incubator space would be for a successful business to expand into the park and help pay off the TIF. The Green TTEC Board felt the lease was well written. Kraemer motioned to approve the lease contingent upon the Village Attorney’s review and approval. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.
Park, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt
No Parks, Cable or SCDC Report.
Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber
The Library Board received 100% fromSaukCounty. Rebecca Davison resigned from the Children’s Librarian position. Carolyn is working on the fire alarm and some cameras that need maintenance. The library hosted an open house last Saturday that 42 people attended. Carolyn expressed that she would like to plan more events like that one to get the seniors and the children together. Display cases will be open in 2012 for the public to share collections or work. The circulation is up a little from last year. Carolyn is looking into electronic books. She has lots of ideas.
No Police Committee or RV Court Report.
Streets & Utilities– Kraemer
Water Pumpage for November:
Well No. 1: 473,000
Well No. 2: 1,616,000
Total for November: 2,089,000 gallons, which was 218,000 gallons more than last year.
Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.27 p.p.m. Monthly chlorine average: .27 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for November:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 181 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 9 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 150 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 12 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .785 p.p.m.
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 2,397,700
The Williams project is complete. Cold patch will be completed in the spring.
No Streets Committee report
Building & Ordinance – Brunson
No Building Committee report.
Brunson read the second reading of Ordinance 173-11; to increase sewer rates by three percent. Kraemer motioned to approve Ordinance 173-11. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Brunson read the second reading of Ordinance 174-11; to change the Municipal Judge term to four years. Schluter motioned to approve Ordinance 174-11. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Brunson read the second reading of Ordinance 175-11; charging a sign permit fee. Brunson motioned to approve Ordinance 175-11. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.
Pool & Golf – Box
No Pool or Golf Course Committee reports.
Development & Planning – Ring
Development & Planning Commission met and recommends the petition of Herbert and Linda Paulus for a variance for placing a sign on Single Family Residential property at 1545 St. Luke’s Avenue. Kraemer motioned to approve the variance. Box seconded. Motion carried.
The first meeting for Plain’s 100 year Commemoration Committee is set for December 19th. The event will not be part of the fireman’s event. The committee has some ideas. Box would like to see the event encompass all age ranges. The committee plans to reach out to everyone. Schluter motioned to approve Ray Ring, Marlyn Bauer, Mary L. Brey, Janet Kraemer, Mary A. Kraemer and Jan Marino as members of the committee. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried with Ring abstaining.
Other Business
Box motioned to set the January Caucus date for Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Kraemer motioned to appoint the Election Officials for 2012 and 2013 as presented. Box seconded. Motion carried with Ring abstaining.
Schluter motioned to approve a Temporary Class B Retailer's license for Spring Green Area Arts Coalition and a temporary operator's licenses for Mark A. Dedrick for an event at Green TTEC in January. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Schluter motioned to hire Cheryl Larson for the Green TTEC janitor position. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.
Murphy wanted clear direction regarding the Village’s Commercial lot for sale on Wachter Avenue. The lot will be marketed at $6,500. The commission is based on the $6,500 listing price. All proceeds need to be returned to Sauk County as the grant source for purchasing the property. The buyer should be a revenue generating business. Required commercial building should be completed within 24 months. There should be a repurchase agreement in case of default for not developing the lot within the 24 months. Murphy will put together some guidelines for selling the lot and bring it back to the board.
No correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
Kraemer motioned to pay Check #18066 payable to Berry Electric, Inc. in the amount of $90.00 and Check #18094 payable to Nachreiner Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. in the amount of $235.28 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Ellenbolt. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
General Fund |
$27,283.18 |
Capital Improvements |
$0.00 |
Library Fund |
$2,215.43 |
Water Utility |
$2,158.69 |
Green TTEC |
$37,043.94 |
Sewer Department |
$2,200.37 |
TIF #2 |
$118.76 |
Golf Course |
$1,611.29 |
Wage Reimbursements: |
$17,307.99 |
Schluter motioned to adjourn at 8:53 p.m. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.
Sheila Tafs