Minutes: March 9, 2011

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of March 9, 2011


The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on March 9, 2011. The meeting was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 7:30 p.m.


Roll Call: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; Cole Brunson; Robert Jewell; Kevin Kraemer; Robert Neuheisel; and, John Schluter, Trustees.


Others present: Josh Straka of Strand Associates, Inc.; Jeff Koch of Westbrook Associated Engineers, Inc.; Laura Grave of the Home News; Walter Gerber; Robert Fredrick; Ray Ring; Steve Biggers; Chief Kevin Wilkins; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; John Ruhland, Public Works Assistant; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.


Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, March 7, 2011. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.


Schluter motioned to approve minutes from the February 9, 2011 Regular Board meeting. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.


Kraemer motioned to approve revisions of Chapter 20, Shoreland-Wetland Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was held this evening at 7:00 p.m. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.



Agenda Guest


Josh Straka discussed the bids for the Cedar Street/Nachreiner Avenue project. H&K Contracting, Inc. of Sauk City is the low bidder at $255,843.05. Kraemer motioned to award the bid to H&K Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $255,843.05 contingent upon receiving the performance bond. Jewell seconded. Motion carried.


Bids for inspection for the Cedar Street/Nachreiner Avenue project were submitted by Strand Associates, Inc. and Westbrook Associated Engineers, Inc. Trustee Kraemer was concerned about the two proposals not being comparable as to the amount of hours planned. With this type of proposal, the board has to look at hourly rates instead of the bottom line. Both firms would only charge for the time that they are here. The Streets Committee will need to meet to discuss the bids and subsequently bring a recommendation to the board.


Robert Fredrick informed the board of his intentions to build an addition onto his house. The plans will be given to the Building Inspector to evaluate if a variance is needed or not.



Police Department Report


Chief Kevin Wilkins presented and discussed the recently written Plain Police Department Policies. The previous policy book was out of date. The policies are parallel with the Spring Green Police Department and Sauk County. By law the Village is required to have police policies in place. Kraemer motioned to approve the Plain Police Department Policies. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.



Green TTEC Director Report


Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, informed the Village Board that the Village has received formal approval from the EDA on the bid award to Ideal Builders, Inc. and held a Pre-Construction meeting on Friday, March 3, 2011. The contract was executed, along with the Performance Bond and Contractor’s insurance. We issued the Notice to Proceed giving Ideal 225 calendar days to complete the project. However, at our urging, Ideal submitted a construction schedule in which the building achieves substantial completion by August 17, 2011 (weather permitting). Construction activities will begin as early as April with the foundation work and drilling of the geothermal exchange wells. 


In regards to the Honey Creek Business Park, the Village needs to move forward. Murphy summarized projected costs under both assigning remaining work to Iverson Construction and re-bidding the remaining work. In reviewing the cost projections for each option, the cost (to the Village) to re-bid is approximately $27,300 more than the cost to assign the remaining work to Iverson Construction. However, Murphy and Josh Straka recommend to rebid because of an appearance of a potential conflict in State Statutes in regards to negotiating with Iverson Construction.


Additionally, the Village will seek to reduce some of the incurred cost to the Meise contract to offset additional costs for bringing in another contractor. Site grading for the entire project was bid as a lump sum due to the fact it would allow the contract latitude in how the final lot elevations would be achieved and limited certainty of the specific quantity of fill that need to be excavated, moved, graded and compacted. It was estimated that approximately 150,000 cubic yards of material would need to be moved around the site. However, due partially to a revision of final lot elevations and the discovery of additional suitable material for use on the site, Meise ended up moving only about 140,000 cubic yards. Also, even with the resignation of Trustee Meise from the Village Board, the EDA stated Meise Construction is still not eligible to participate on re-bidding the remaining work.


Trustee Schluter motioned to re-bid the remaining HCBP development project and close out the contract with Meise Construction. Ellenbolt seconded. Roll call vote: Ellenbolt – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Jewell – Yes; Kraemer – Abstain; Neuheisel – Yes; Schluter – Yes. Motion carried.


Murphy has kept in contact with both the potential business incubator tenant and business park tenant. Both are still seriously considering locating to the Honey Creek Business Park.



Public Works Department Report


Nick Ruhland did not have a report.




Committee Reports



Finance – Schluter


No Finance Committee Report.



Golf, Park, Library & Emergency Government – Neuheisel


The Library is still pricing copiers. The Governor’s administration is refusing federal money for fiber optic installation, which will affect any rural broadband growth. County rural reimbursements have been received. Library staff attended a teen program and participated in a reading program with Plain Elementary.


The Golf Committee adjusted greens fees to $15.00 for unlimited daily play Monday thru Thursday. Friday thru Sunday will remain the same at $15.00 for 9 holes and $20.00 for 18 holes. It will be promoted the in local newspapers. Membership rates will be increase tonight. The Plain Lions will be installing cart paths on holes #3 and #8 this spring. The bridge on hole #8 needs to be sealed.


There are equipment issues with the rhino finishing rough mower. Repairs for this machine are close to the cost of replacing the machine. Estimates were obtained for a new machine, but Public Works has not had a chance to evaluate the new equipment. Two reasonably price machines are $8,750 and $9,000. Jewell motioned for Public Works to evaluate the choices and expend up to $9,000 for the new mower. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.


Parks has new ideas for the rec program which includes field trips. Summer sign-up is scheduled for March 26th and then a parents meeting is scheduled for April 11th. We are trying to increase participants in the program.



Streets, Utilities & RV Court Commission – Kraemer


Water Pumpage for February:


Well No. 1:   390,000

            Well No. 2:   1,298,000


Total for February: 1,688,000 gallons, which was 141,000 gallons less than last year.


One bacteria sample was sent to the State Lab. The sample tested safe. Second bacteria sample failed to be sent in. Retested and tested safe. Ruhland notified the public via the Home News.


            Monthly fluoride average: 1.0 p.p.m.



Wastewater Report for February:


            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    136 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    11        Limit: 15 mg/l


            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      131 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      9          Limit: 20 mg/l


Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .646 mg/l      

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

                        29.0 mg/l Daily


            Total gallons treated: 2,488,900 (Melting snow and rain infiltration.)



Building – Brunson


No Building Committee Report.



Pool & Ordinance – Jewell


The Friends of the Plain Pool and Park met on February 23rd.  Another meeting is scheduled for March 23rd. A brochure is ready for memberships. We are hiring lifeguards tonight and raising swim lesson rates.


Ordinance will send a letter to residences explaining safety benefits in having house numbers displayed. Officer Schreiber feels the Village should have an Ordinance for this issue.



Other Business


Jewell motioned to approve an increase for swim lesson fees. A child with a pool pass would be $25.00 and a child without a pool pass would be $30.00. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.


Neuheisel motioned to approve a 3% increase for golf membership fees. Brunson seconded. Motion carried. New membership fees as follows:
























Estimates were obtained for a purchase of a new loader for the Village. The John Deere 524K loader bottom dollar is $76,500. The Cat 924H2 loader bottom dollar is $81,700. Emission regulations are starting next year and it will be an additional $7,000-$8,000. CAT has a slightly longer warranty. Kraemer believes at the end of 10 years considering maintenance costs and trade-in value a CAT purchase may be money ahead. John Ruhland informed the board that the John Deere was more spacious and easier to operate. Schluter felt that John is the one running it and should be comfortable and the John Deere is cheaper. Kraemer motioned to purchase the John Deere 524K in the amount of $76,500. Schluter seconded. Motion carried. Kraemer then motioned to obtain a loan for a duration of eight years. Jewell seconded. Motion carried.





Steve Biggers sent a letter to board members. Ellenbolt sent a response. Biggers raised concerns about confidentiality, assessments and the EDA conflict of interest issues.



Review and Audit of Invoices:


Jewell motioned to pay Voucher #12368 payable to Nachreiner Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc. in the amount of $490.00 from the Sewer Parts Replacement Fund.  Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.


A motion to pay the remaining monthly invoices as presented was made by Jewell. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.



General Fund 



Debt Services



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course








Wage Reimbursements:






Schluter motioned to adjourn to closed session at 9:32 p.m. for discussion and action regarding preliminary considerations of employment; and, set wages for lifeguards & recreation program directors; and, employee wage & benefit packages. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried. Roll call vote: Ellenbolt – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Jewell – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Neuheisel – Yes; Schluter – Yes.


The board returned from closed session at 10:14 p.m.


Neuheisel motioned to hire the lifeguards and recreation program staff as follows. Jewell seconded. Motion carried.


Head Lifeguard

Chelsey Kraemer


Andrea Diehl


Claire Meixelsperger


Molly Nachreiner


Courtney Pulvermacher


Molly Schluter


Josh Taylor


Jonathon Trevino

Rec Director

Ryan Ring

Asst. Rec Director

Gina Ruhland



Schluter motioned to adjourn to at 10:18 p.m. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.





Sheila Tafs
