Minutes: June 8, 2011
Village Board Proceedings of
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Cole Brunson; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber: Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees. Trustee Stephanie Box was absent.
Others present: Jason Schluter of Jason Schluter Construction; John Alt of Madison College; Damon Engle of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, John Ruhland, Public Works Assistant.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, June 6, 2011. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.
Schluter motioned to approve minutes from the May 11, 2011 Regular Board meeting. Gerber seconded. Brunson abstained. Motion carried.
Ellenbolt motioned to approve minutes of the May 18, 2011 Board of Review. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Gerber motioned to approve minutes of the May 18, 2011 Special Board meeting. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Schluter motioned to move up Agenda No. 13 Discussion and possible action regarding the MATC Lease to address at this point. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, and John Alt, Executive Dean of Madison College to the Reedsburg and Portage campuses, discussed the MATC lease. Both the Village attorney and the Madison College attorney have approved the lease being presented to the board. The lease is standard to Madison College with some provisions desired on behalf of the Village. The Madison College Board has already approved the lease. WTCS, Wisconsin Technical College System, still needs to approve it. Alt discussed Madison College’s plans for Plain location.
Schluter motioned to approve the draft lease dated May 27, 2011 as presented, contingent upon further approvals. Ellenbolt seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; John Schluter - Yes. Motion carried.
The Village board returned to the agenda as presented to discuss the recommendation of the Development & Planning Commission regarding Jason Schluter’s proposed lot division for the Industrial District Parcel #171 0274-00000 located at 510 Main Street. Trustee Schluter recused himself from the meeting and left the board meeting room.
Jason Schluter is in the process of purchasing the former Schluter Construction property. The Development & Planning Commission recommends to approve the three lot lay out along with contingencies of perpetual easements and the property owner of lot three would cover costs for water/sewer hook-up if ever needed. Lot one is the office building with storage. Lot two will be the large shop behind the office that will be sold to Nick Heiser Trucking. Lot three will be the self storage building. There is no lot size requirement in the Industrial District. Also, both property owners will have a first right of refusal if either would want to sell. Nick will be leasing some office space from Jason.
Ellenbolt motioned to approve the three lot plan with the perpetual easements and the property owner of Lot 3 would cover costs for water/sewer hook-up if ever needed. Brunson seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Kraemer – Yes. Motion carried.
Trustee Schluter returned to the meeting at 7:55pm, following the lot division approval.
Police Department Report
The Police Department is preparing for the bike training day and rodeo for the Rec Program scheduled for Thursday, June 16, 2011.
The Police Department and Police Committee should discuss hand-outs at the 3-day celebration.
Trustee Schluter questioned Officer Schreiber regarding the ongoing concerns at the intersection of Highways 23 & B. Last year the crosswalks had stripes painted within them. The Police Department is working the area more now that the pool is open. There are no pedestrian signs in the area because the state will not allow it.
The St. Luke’s parish festival is this weekend. The Police Department has added extra shifts for the event.
Green TTEC Director Report
Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, informed the Village Board on the Green TTEC project. The roof joists are installed and roof decking installation is underway. External walls are complete. Rough electrical and plumbing are also being installed. Roof deck will be finished next week and exterior brickwork will begin the following week.
Murphy has finalized the MATC lease. Discussions continue regarding equipment and classroom/computer room layouts for them. MATC will provide laptops, furniture and assist with cabling.
At the Honey Creek Business Park, water main installation is complete. Finalization of Phase I quantities and punchlist items continue with Meise Construction. Meise will submit their final pay request for the July 13, 2011 meeting. A pre-construction meeting was held June 1, 2011 with Rule Construction. Rule is set to begin work June 13, 2011 and achieve substantial completion by July 18, 2011. A proposal was requested from Rule to delay the installation of the surface layer of asphalt, currently scheduled for week of July 11, 2011, until substantial completion of Green TTEC building is achieved at the end of August. This would give a better product at the end and provide an opportunity to get excess topsoil offsite without marking up new roads. Additionally, Alliant and telephone/internet will be installing their utilities in mid-July. A proposal was received from Frontier to install telephone and internet, no cable, into the HCBP and the Green TTEC facility at no additional cost. Murphy is working with Charter to obtain a proposal from them as well.
President Ring had concerns regarding additional expenses for the delayed paving and asked that it be brought to the board for a decision. Kraemer questioned affects on landscaping if delayed. Murphy believes it would be a positive affect because no bobcats would be on the final layer of pavement. Curb will be installed before landscaping would be put in.
Ring questioned if a long term contract needs to be signed with Frontier or Charter. Frontier would just have first dibs on the customers in the HCBP. MATC has a preference that we go through Charter. However, there is a considerable cost difference.
The Green TTEC and Advisory committees have been updated in the last month.
Public Works Department Report
John Ruhland reported to the board that the pool was inspected by the state on Tuesday. A number of items have to be changed for operating. New pool rules with updated codes sign is needed. New ph test kits were purchased today. Emergency phones need to be in both outdoor pool enclosures, but there may be a way around this requirement. Otherwise, there are no leaks. A few minor issues were taken care of. The boiler hardly ever runs.
There have been air conditioner issues at the Library as well as the downstairs area of the Municipal Building.
The lift station has issues with leakage. The WWTP has been treating an extra 20,000 gallons a day and it has been confirmed as an issue at the lift station. There is a hole in the pit that was repaired two years ago by A1 Excavating, but has become an issue again. Nick talked to Visu-Sewer to pump grout into the hole to stop the leak.
The golf course creek is backing up on holes one and two as well as the usual nine issues. There is silting by the WWTP and backing up to the golf course. A one inch rain is causing problems. The dredging could be done because of issues with the overflow at the WWTP. Gerber suggested taking the dredging to Mill Road. Utilities Committee will look into the dredging issue.
Mark Alt seeded and mulched the Village’s lot next to Cenex today.
The WWTP is having air conditioning issues. Testing requires the temperature in the building to be 20-23 ºC. The repair will be paid for out of sewer replacement fund. Nachreiner Plumbing Heating & Air, Inc. issued a proposal for a new condensing unit and new air conditioner and piping for $3,180. Kraemer motioned to approve the WWTP air conditioning proposal for $3,180. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
There are street lights out by the golf course well house and on Honey Creek Drive. Berry Electric has been called to fix them.
Committee Reports
Finance & Green TTEC – Schluter
The Finance Committee met to discuss the budget shortfall of about $55,000 for the Cedar Street project. Cherry and Wachter loans are retired this year giving the Village a $20,000 budgetary gain with those loans paid off. The Finance Committee recommends funding the project with a five year loan. The Committee also discussed planning for future street projects and held a closed session to discuss employee evaluations and salary increases processes.
Green TTEC met on May 23rd which included the new members. Shawn reviewed the construction schedule that is about 8 days behind. The budget was discussed. Shawn has good ideas to solicit people to come in to the incubator space. Fees were set for building usage. There will be no fees for Plain residents, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. There will be a $30 per use charge for resident businesses and a $60 per use charge for nonresidential businesses.
Kraemer questioned cleaning for the facility. It is in the budget. It is hopeful to hire an individual.
Murphy also brought up the additional topsoil issue. The estimates now show a reduction of surplus topsoil. There will now be less than 5,000 cubic yards left over. Nick Heiser and Mark Alt have their shares. The rest is being put on hold. There have been offers from Heiser and Alt to purchase anything that remains. Village also donated topsoil for the cemetery outside of the Village. Public Works also still needs approximately 400 cubic yards yet. The golf course does not have the funds to repair nine so they will not be using any dirt. The Golf Committee is going to ask for a small amount of dirt for the new cart paths that the Plain Lions are installing. It may be in the best interest of the Village to keep all of the remaining topsoil for Village projects.
Park, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt
The park has water setting in back of the pavilion. The mower is getting stuck. It will take a small amount of money to install drain tile to get water down to the east side of the playground and then drain into the ditch. Mark Alt will give an estimate for the work.
Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber
The Library Gift Fund is money put aside for unforeseen circumstances. Merry Lynn Riek retired as president and the Library Board voted Shirley Meise to take the position. Two board positions remain open with one vacancy being approved by the Village Board tonight. There are problems with new blinds in community room. Ring suggested that the warranty should be checked into. The library is considering hanging signs for library staff only to adjust blinds. Also, a deposit system is being established in case of any damage done while the room is being used. Mary C. Brey has been hired as a part-time clerk.
No Police or RV Court Commission report.
Streets & Utilities– Kraemer
Water Pumpage for May:
Well No. 1: 523,000
Well No. 2: 1,897,000
Total for May: 2,420,000 gallons, which was 808,000 gallons less than last year.
Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: .93 p.p.m. Monthly chlorine average: .31 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for May:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 143 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 10 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 193 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 9 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .237 p.p.m.
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 3,086,200
Ring questioned if the dip by the alley on St. Luke’s Avenue next to the current project can be repaired at the same time the blacktop goes in. Public Works can cut it out and have it ready for pavement. The Village would do everything except pave it. Nick and Kevin will discuss.
The Streets Committee is set to revise the five year plan in a couple of months.
The Utilities Committee is still treating more water than what is pumped, but that should improve with projects being completed.
Schluter asked about curb & gutter projects. There is a section of Oakwood Circle that is need of repair. Kevin will talk to Nick.
Building & Ordinance – Brunson
No Building Committee report.
No Ordinance Committee report.
Pool & Golf – Box
Brunson stated a Pool Committee meeting was scheduled but was cancelled prior to because of lack of attendance.
A report issued by Box in writing stated that a meeting was scheduled but could not call to order because of lack of a quorum. The Plain Lions are installing cart paths on three and eight. Kraemer said the Lions will be donating the concrete and spreading the dirt, but the seeding need to be done by Public Works.
Development & Planning – Ring
The Development & Planning Commission had a meeting with Jason Schluter earlier.
Other Business
Westbrook Associated Engineers reviewed, revised and recommended H&K Contracting’s Pay Request #2. Kraemer motioned to pay H&K Contracting in the amount of $104,496.56. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Cliff Goodhart, Architect for Green TTEC reviewed and approved payment for Ideal Builders, Inc. Pay Request No. 2. Gerber motioned to pay Ideal Builders, Inc. Pay Request #2 in the amount of $140,281.20. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Brunson read the first reading of Ordinance 172-11, creating the Green TTEC Board.
Kraemer motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-06, loan for the John Deere 524K loader. Brunson seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Schluter - Yes. Motion carried.
Schluter motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-07, accepting the Sauk County Board’s Supervisory District Plan. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Murphy has completed the Recreational Trails grant application that is due June 15, 2011. Maximum allowable grant eligible costs and minimal donations were included. The same approach will be used with the Stewardship grant application due July 15, 2011. If the Village receives notice of award for both grants, Murphy will work with interested parties in an effort to obtain firmer costs and donations. Murphy also obtained engineering proposals from both Strand and Westbrook should the grant be awarded as well. Murphy reviewed the budget. The DNR is treating the floodplain as a wetland. Murphy will meet with the DNR next week at the site to show that it is not a wetland. The grant awards are scheduled for this fall. The board can act on the awards at that time.
Kraemer motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-08, Financial Aid for Recreational Trails Grant Programs authorizing Shawn and Sheila to submit the application on behalf of the Village. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Brunson motioned to approve the contract with Consumers Co-op Oil Company for propane delivery for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to grant approval for operator’s licenses as presented was then made by Brunson. Kraemer seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Abstain, due to relatives and himself on the list; Brunson – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Schluter - Yes. Motion carried.
All operators’ licenses as follows are for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
Cathleen A Carpenter | Charlene M Price | Jacquelyn J Brey | Rosemary E Prem | Raymond Ring |
Michelle Johanning | Jennie Radue | Veronica Castaneda | Tammy K Teach | Ryan Ring |
Doreen M Laack | Chelsea M Diehl | Donna M Fredrick | Mary C Brey | Scott Ring |
Lori A Pulvermacher | Ashley A Fingerhut | Sadie Hooks | Genevieve L Paulus | Delores Gruber |
Michele Speck | Michelle L Fingerhut | Elizabeth Ruhland | Delmar Ring | Jeanette Emer |
David L Breunig | Kay Gehrke | Cheryl A Carpenter | Jane Ring | Chris Raught |
Fred G Lins | Jessica A Schmitt | Jane E Mondello | Joan Ring | Stephen J Sippel |
Kathleen Lins | Aaron D Zimmerman |
Kraemer motioned to approve a temporary Class B Retailer’s License; the temporary operator’s licenses for Daniel Bauer, Robert Bauer, Michael Bernards, James Ederer, John Ruhland, Steven Ruhland and Loren Thering; a fireworks display permit; and, the extended hours permit for the Fire Department and E.M.S. Three-Day Celebration. Gerber seconded. Motion Carried.
Gerber motioned to appoint Katie Erb to the vacant Library Board position. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Ring received a letter regarding upkeep of vacant lots. Ring is working on a response.
A letter was received by a young resident favoring the Park Master Plan instead of the Green TTEC facility. Sheila responded.
A clarification of the last meeting article in the Home News was asked for. There was confusion regarding the Stewardship grant recently received for land purchase. Let it be known that the Village did not purchase additional land, but that the land purchase referred to was part of the original 30 acres purchased in 2008.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
Kraemer motioned to pay Voucher #16587 payable to Energenecs, Inc. in the amount of $8,070.11 and Voucher #16598 payable to L.W. Allen, Inc. in the amount of $275.50 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Kraemer. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
General Fund | $105,814.92 | Debt Services | $0.00 | ||
Library Fund | $2,829.80 | Water Utility | $24,166.25 | ||
Green TTEC | $201,806.66 | Sewer Department | $22,631.11 | ||
TIF #2 | $0.00 | Golf Course | $3,872.20 | ||
Wage Reimbursements: | $21,472.79 |
Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn at 9:24 p.m. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.
Sheila Tafs