Minutes: April 11, 2012
Village of Plain
Village Board Proceedings of April 11, 2012
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on April 11, 2012. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees. Trustee Cole Brunson was absent.
Others present: John Dischler; Marion Copus of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Villageof Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, April 9, 2012. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.
Ellenbolt motioned to approve minutes from the March 14, 2012 Regular Board meeting with the addition of the words “the repair of” at the top of page 5 before “a dome over the trickling filter.” Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Agenda Guests
Ring welcomed newly elected Trustees John Dischler and Jim Liegel and praised Jack Schluter and Cole Brunson for their dedication and service on the Village Board.
Ring updated the Board on the Fire Protection District’s decision to not purchase a house for EMT housing but instead work with an individual who would purchase, remodel and rent the house to Plain EMS. It was the consensus of the Plain Fire Board to not to own the building but rather lease space. Part of the reason for this was the District’s long range plan to possibly acquire the Plain Village Hall. Currently, the Fire District owns the garage space adjoining the Village Hall and future expansion would occupy the entire building. Ring proposed the appointment of a task force to evaluate Village Buildings as all are not fully used. Ring proposed that the Task Force, in which appointments could be approved at the next Board meeting, would evaluate current and future needs and make recommendations as to the best utilization of Village owned buildings, including Green TTEC. Ring reported that the Plain Village Board had voted to have the District proceed with the purchase of the house at 1120 Liegel Avenue. Accordingly, Kraemer motioned to rescind approval of the purchase of 1120 Liegel Avenue by the Plain Fire District in order to consider a recommendation forthcoming from the Fire District Board. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Police Department Report
Officer Schreiber reported that the speed board is being used in the Village and the Department provided a class to the Plain EMS last month regarding the concealed carry law. Schreiber noted that the River Valley Court has requested the Village review and revise the dog barking ordinance to enable Officers to take enforcement action following a complaint. Schreiber also demonstrated the recently purchased Taser to the board.
Green TTEC Director Report
Shawn Murphy reported on the following:
LEED Certification
Last month Green TTEC received 63 points in the commissioning process, enough to qualify for Gold Certification. The EDA grant required a Silver Certification – there are 4 categories: Certified (40-49), Silver (50-59), Gold (60-79) and Platinum (80+). There are 100 base points attainable plus additional points can be obtained in Innovative Design (6 possible) and Regional Priority (4 possible). As of August, 2011 there were 141 LEED certified buildings inWisconsinwith 50 of them attaining Gold. At Principal Kim Kaukl’s suggestion, we are exploring the possibility of having the LEED recognition plaque produced by high school students.
CDBG-R Grant Closeout
Murphy and Tafs finished the field audit with the State WEDC. We should close out the process when the Village auditor conducts their annual audit this year. There were no surprises, errors or oversights. The Village auditor’s are required to do a single audit as part of their annual audit. We will work with the remaining EDA funds to reallocate to offset operating costs.
Recreation Trail
Last week the Village received notice that we will be receiving an additional Stewardship grant award of $45,000. That combined with the initial award of $48,840 received in December, 2011 increases the total reimbursable grant award to $93,840. The original application was for $97,680. The Green TTEC Board has recommended accepting the additional funds and proceeding with the trail construction this year. Green TTEC Board is looking at possibility of adding electric and water services to the picnic shelter. Westbrook Engineering has provided a preliminary trail design and layout which Murphy is working with The Kraemer Company and Edward Kraemer & Sons to secure easements. The draft trail easement will be considered this evening. Green TTEC Board is evaluating possible additional amenities to the picnic area with funds raised through donations/contributions.
Fire Alarm/Sprinkler System
Green TTEC Board reviewed quotes for providing annual alarm inspection/testing and 24 hr monitoring as well as required yearly inspection/testing of the sprinkler system. The Board selected Best Defense to provide these services.
CDBG-Planning Grant
Murphy drafted an application for a CDBG Functional Planning grant to the WEDC for $20,000. Additionally, a grant application was made to the Alliant Energy Foundation for Community Development Partnership Program for matching funds in conjunction with the CDBG grant. The intent of the grant funds is to retain a planning consultant to evaluate & recommend long-term management and strategic marketing plans for Green TTEC. This will be formally considered by the Village Board in May.
Evaluation of Site for Wireless Provider Tower
Nick Ruhland & Shawn Murphy met with representatives from Bug Tussle, a wireless internet & cell phone provider who is exploring potential sites in the Village for location of a 200’ – 250’ tower. They expressed initial interest in leasing 60-70 square feet at the water reservoir site. If that proves feasible, the Board will need to consider a lease and the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.
Other Events at Green TTEC
- MATC is still seeking students for the following classes:
- Food Preservation: Freezing & Dehydrating on April 23.
- Food Preservation: Canning on April 30.
- Mat Pilates: Thursdays at 9am starting April 17.
- Intro to iPod: On April 19.
- Dairy Business Innovation meeting on April 19, 9am – 4pm
- Plain Elementary Green TTEC Tours and Earth Day Tree Planting (4/20 and 4/23)
- Free Electronic Recycling on Saturday, April 28 from 9am – 4pm.
- Trustees Ellenbolt and Gerber constructed and erected Wood Duck and Bluebird houses along the HCBP detention basins.
Ring questioned if there has been interest in the Green TTEC building and the business park. Murphy responded there is interest in leasing incubator area pending the sale of house to the Plain Fire District however there has been no strong interest in the Business Park lots. Box inquired as to what efforts were made to attract businesses and if communication with the State has been occurring. Kraemer inquired if Murphy has seen evidence of increased development activity. Murphy responded that he keeps in communication with SCDC, THRIVE and other groups on business inquiries. Few business inquiries have been received and HCBP has not met their search criteria. Schluter commented that he is a member of the Sauk County Revolving Loan Fund Board which grants loans to new and expanding businesses and they only issued one last year. Ellenbolt commented that he attends SCDC meetings and maintains contact with Gene Dalhoff, trying to increase awareness of Green TTEC and SCDC. Ring commented that there is no plan to deal with the debt that the Village will face in paying for the Green TTEC and HCBP. Murphy reiterated that the purpose of applying for grants from the CCBG and Alliant Foundation was to retain a consultant to develop a strategic marketing plan and implement a sustainable management structure for Green TTEC and the Park. Discussion occurred relative to TIF obligations and projected debt service and possibility of revising the Park Covenants.
Public Works Department Report
Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, informed the Board that a water leak detection survey was conducted throughout the Village. A significant leak was discovered on Crestwood Avenue between the curb box and water main that may account for a majority of the Village’s water loss. Ruhland arranged for a demonstration of a main tracing machine that will further pinpoint the source of the leak in order to make a repair.
Ruhland reported that Kraemer Brothers assisted with the installation of the backstop net at the park. Pat Price donated the net for the backstop. Dugouts will be painted this year.
Ruhland reported that federal funding for the Westbrook bridge reconditioning may be in jeopardy. The bridge inspection concluded the bridge structure was sound but a new deck would be necessary. 85% of repair costs would be provided by state and county funding.
Committee Reports
Finance – Schluter
The Finance Committee met to discuss the Clerk/Treasurer’s computer upgrade and program replacement quote for $2,380.99 from UTG. The Committee approved the quote and recommends payment as follows: 50% General Fund, 20% Water, 20% Sewer and 10% Golf. This item was not budgeted however unallocated funds in other areas would pay. Schluter motioned to accept the quote from UTG and proceed with replacement of computer and programs. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Green TTEC Board – Schluter
The Green TTEC Board met to discuss the additional funding received from the DNR for the Recreational Trail. The additional $45,000 will essentially fund the entire project cost. As a result it was decided not to pursue National Guard assistance and proceed with putting the project out for bid this spring with completion this summer. The Board is considering additional amenities such as electric and water to the picnic shelter and solar lights along the trail. Funding for this could be provided through the sale of personal paver bricks.
Motion by Schluter to amend the easement for the recreational trail as prepared by Murphy and reviewed by the Village Attorney to reflect easement with Edward Kraemer and Sons. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Schluter concluded his report by thanking fellow members of the Board and Village employees for their work and dedication. Schluter recognized Sheila, Nick, John and Shawn. Schluter stated he was proud that he helped launch the Green TTEC building and feels it is off to a good start.
Parks, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt
Ellenbolt reported that Parks Committee met and voted to replace drinking water fountain at the Park. There is $1500 in the budget however it was felt it could be done for $1000. Ellenbolt motioned to proceed with the replacement. Box seconded. Motion carried. Also, the tire swing needs to be replaced.
Ellenbolt recognized Box for suggesting a fundraiser event this summer. Box reported that a family movie night would be planned to show movies and sell concessions. Proceeds would be used for park improvements.
Ellenbolt reported that SCDC awarded Large Business of the Year to Teel Plastics of Baraboo and Small Business of the Year to Jewell Associates in Spring Green. Discussion occurred that SCDC focuses a significant amount of their resources on Reedsburg, Baraboo and Sauk Prairie and somewhat neglects Plain. Hopefully the new County Supervisor for this area will work to correct that.
Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber
Gerber reported that the fire alarm system at the library is in operation for the first time since its installation on March 26. The Friends are trying to help to increase meals on wheels recipients.
Gerber commented that the Court dismissed a dog complaint in Plain and Jeni suggested that the Ordinance be updated to allow officers to issue citations if nuisance is observed.
No Police Committee report.
Streets & Utilities– Kraemer
Water Pumpage for March, 2012:
Well No. 1: 621,000
Well No. 2: 1,676,000
Total for March: 2,297,000 gallons, which was 462,000 gallons more than last year.
Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.38 p.p.m. Monthly chlorine average: .44 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for March, 2012:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 156 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 9 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 159 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 9 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .1468 p.p.m.
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly, 29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 2,656,000
The Streets & Utilities Committee will meet when the new committees are approved.
Building & Ordinance – Brunson
No Building or Ordinance Committee reports.
Pool & Golf – Box
The Pool Committee will meeting on Tuesday.
Kraemer commented that the reciprocal membership program has generated some increased awareness. Box reported that new pop machines will be installed at pool and golf course. Nick is meeting with the distributor tomorrow will make sure the machines are anchored. Village employees will fill machines.
Development/Planning & Plain’s 100 Year – Ring
No Development & Planning Commission report.
The Plain’s 100 year Commemoration Committee discussed running notices in Home News in upcoming events section. Letters are being drafting to businesses and charitable organizations to make them aware of the event. Discussion occurred regarding activities to promote the event such as decorating or signage. Franklin Historical Society installed a sign. Coordination continues with the fire department on the fireworks. There will be some different events during the 3-Day Celebration to recognize the 100 anniversary. The trivia close to finalization.
Gerber suggested contacting River Valley High School to make a plaque. Schluter reported that German visitors will be here this summer from our sister city, Waldmüchen.
Other Business
Kraemer motioned to approve a renewal application for a 6-month Liquor License for Edward Alan Liegel for the period May 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.
Box motioned to approve the following for the St. Luke’s Parish Festival: a Temporary Class B Retailer's license; Temporary Operator’s Licenses for Dawn & Robert Jewell and Daniel & Jessica Pape; and, an extended hours permit. Gerber seconded. Motioned carried.
Schluter motioned to approve an Operator’s License for Leanna Higgins. Gerber seconded. Motioned carried.
Ellenbolt motioned to set Board of Review for May 16, 2012 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Box seconded. Motion carried.
No correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
Box motioned to pay Check #18382 payable to Nachreiner Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc. in the amount of $3,180.00 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Ellenbolt. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
General Fund |
$12,446.36 |
Capital Improvements |
$0.00 |
Library Fund |
$3,501.00 |
Water Utility |
$1,697.48 |
Green TTEC |
$0.00 |
Sewer Department |
$2,097.66 |
TIF #2 |
$0.00 |
Golf Course |
$1,231.66 |
Wage Reimbursements: |
$18,585.72 |
Box motioned to adjourn to closed session per Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(c) Re: Discussion and possible action regarding wages for Election Staff; and Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(g) Re: Update regarding the litigation status of non-residential utility customers at 9:04 p.m. Gerber seconded. Roll call vote: Ring – Yes; Box – Yes; Ellenbolt – Yes; Gerber – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Schluter - Yes. Motion carried.
Sheila Tafs