Minutes: October 12, 2011

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of October 12, 2011


The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on October 12, 2011. The meeting was called to order by President Ring at 7:30 p.m.


Roll Call: Raymond Ring, President; Stephanie Box; Cole Brunson; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and, John Schluter, Trustees.


Others present: Marian Copus of the Home News; Chief Kevin Wilkins; Officer Andrew Kurek; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.


Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, October 10, 2011. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.


Ellenbolt motioned to approve minutes from the September 14, 2011 Regular Board meeting. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.



Police Department Report


Chief Kevin Wilkins introduced himself to the newest board members. Officer Chuck Schreiber informed the board of speeding complaints on Highway B. The department is going to try to get the speed board back in the Village.


Officer Andy Kurek presented a request for the Plain Police Department to purchase a Taser. The Spring Green Police Department has had a Taser for almost three years and has had two deployments. The State of Wisconsin recognizes a Taser as a use of force option. In Kurek’s opinion, it is a great option with a less likelihood for injuries for both parties involved. It is a quick resolution if there is a problem. Officer Kurek presented Spring Green Police Department’s Taser and explained how it works. The cost is just under $1,000. Cartridges cost $25 a piece. It comes with a one year battery. Subsequently, a three year battery is then available for approximately $300. The intelligence for the unit is in the battery. Any updates to the unit come with the purchase of a new battery. All the officers are already trained on the Taser. There is money in the police budget to make the purchase. No major issues have occurred this year for concerns with the current budget. Gerber motioned to purchase a Taser. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.



Green TTEC Director Report


Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, informed the Village Board that the Green TTEC open house on October 9, 2011 was well attended. Punchlist items are being completed as well as LEED Commissioning items. Furniture and appliances were ordered and installed. Proposals are being received for phone and data installations. Requests have been made to obtain proposals on computer desks, lobby monitor and building access system. Frontier installed phone/internet service up to the building, but still needs to install service modules for connection.


MATC provided a summary of possible courses to be offered at Green TTEC and is conducting a survey to find out further interests and needs in the area. The HUB Committee rented meeting space this Monday evening, the first community group to utilize the Center. The Spring Green Arts Coalition will submit an application to use the building for their annual art exhibit/fund raiser in January, 2012.


A notice of award was received for the Recreational Trails grant for $45,000. It is hopeful to hear results of Stewardship grant application very soon.


The remaining disbursement from the state CDBG funds was received. That totaled $1.01 Million. That grant will be closed out within the next month.  The first reimbursement from the EDA in the amount of $609,898 was received two weeks ago.


Screens for the windows at Green TTEC are backordered. The skylight in the entry way is a lower profile than the original plan. There are solar panel display inverters showing in real time the energy being produced. The panels will never achieve a surplus of energy generated from the solar panels to offset the utility bill.



Public Works Department Report


Public Works Director, Nick Ruhland, reported to the board that there is a leaking water valve on Highway 23 next to Dave Pronold’s property. The pool and the park have been winterized. The golf course will be winterized in the next couple of weeks.


Ruhland notified the board that phosphorus limitations are approaching. The purpose is to reduce the amount of phosphorus discharged to surface waters by establishing effluent standards and limitations. The restrictions are unknown at this time, but the Village’s current technology may be insufficient if the limits are set too low. The DNR has been testing to be able to set each community’s expectations. The Village would have the option to work with upstream farmers to trade water quality credits. The Village’s limits would not be lowered as much if we reached out. There could be a need to upgrade the treatment plant to be able to reach the new standards. Implementation day is soon. The Village will have seven years to achieve the new requirements. This could possibly be nine years if the treatment plant needs upgraded. An outline could be established to push it out to 15 years. Any direction will be costly. It is inevitable to hire a consultant. A consultant would help get ahead of this. They could verify if the DNR’s determinations are correct. A storm water utility may need to be established to pay for upgrades because of the phosphorus output from the storm sewers.



Committee Reports


Finance & Green TTEC – Schluter


The Finance Committee will be meeting with committees on October 19th. Committees are scheduled in 15 minutes increments to present their respective budgets. Budgets from committees were due today.


The Green TTEC Board interviewed First Weber and Century 21 to market the Honey Creek Business Park. A proposal from Driftless Area was received and the board will meet with them as well. Green TTEC will select one. Contractual agreements should have Board approval. The rate could be 3-10% or a flat fee. The Village could also suggest that the buyer pay the realtor fee. The Green TTEC Board is also working on the budget.



Park, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt


The Parks Committee met to set the budget.


Everyone pays a different rate for cable. A better price has to be negotiated to get a better rate.



Library, Police & RV Court Commission – Gerber


The Library Board is going through applications for the Director’s position. Applications have been received from all over the United States. Jeff has indicated that he will stay longer until the new Director is hired.


Gerber motioned to appoint Merry Lynn Riek to the vacant position on the Library Board. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.


The library air conditioner is not fixed. It is out of season, so they will wait until next year. The Library Board is looking at getting an inspector for the HVAC system. They still need to make a decision.


Officer Schreiber will be the Village of Plain’s primary officer.


No RV Court Report. 



Streets & Utilities– Kraemer


Water Pumpage for September:


Well No. 1:   619,000

            Well No. 2:   2,019,000


Total for September: 2,638,000 gallons, which was 406,000 gallons more than last year.


Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.


            Monthly fluoride average: 1.17 p.p.m.  Monthly chlorine average: .08 p.p.m.


Wastewater Report for September:


            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    224 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    5          Limit: 15 mg/l


            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      277 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      6          Limit: 20 mg/l


Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .0558 p.p.m. 

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

                        29.0 mg/l Daily


            Total gallons treated: 2,192,300



The Streets Committee met to update the five year plan and work on the budget. The 2015 street project established is Fairway Circle. In 2013, the Westbrook Drive bridge deck will be rebuilt as well as reconstructing Parkview Avenue.


Schluter asked about pipes protruding around the library. The pipes are floating. It would have to be dug up and the base would have to be improved. Sauk County would not help with the cost. Ring questioned the logic behind street sweeping in October and November. Some times the November sweep does not occur because of snow. The bulk of the citizens are getting rid of their leaves. There are a few citizens that violate the ordinance and push them into the street.


The Utilities Committee met for budgeting. Revenues need to increase by 3%. The funds are being depleted and costs are going up. Less water is being used with new energy efficient technology being installed in homes. Kraemer motioned to increase water rates by 3% effective January 1, 2012. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.


In regards to the water report, gallons treated and taken in are closing in.



Building & Ordinance – Brunson


No Building Committee or Ordinance Committee report.



Pool & Golf – Box


The Pool and Golf Course Committees held budget meetings.



Development & Planning – Ring


No Development & Planning Commission report.



Other Business


Pay Request #6 for Ideal Builders, Inc. was discussed. Retainage of 5% is being held. Punchlist items and LEED commissioning is being sought. The polished floor is still a concern. Kraemer believes we should talk to the architects to ensure that the expectation level of what we purchased is what we got. If not, then we should be given direction from the architect on what our next step should be. Kraemer stated that people in the community are going to walk in there and wonder why we did not say anything when it was done. Murphy elaborated that the polisher redid the floor once. The aggregate appearance in the concrete floor is inconsistent. It has a blotchy appearance. One solution would be to grind it down, but that is not guaranteed and it may cause the floor to be uneven. The specs were silent in specifying aggregate consistency.


Schluter motioned to approve Pay Request #6 in the amount of $30,520.08 for Ideal Builders, Inc. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.


Kraemer motioned to set the hours for Halloween trick-or-treating on Monday, October 31, 2011 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Schluter seconded. Motion carried.


Ellenbolt motioned to donate $100.00 to the 2012 River Valley High School yearbook. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.


Kraemer motioned to approve Operator’s License for Lacey Poad and Peggy Whitford.  Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.


The board then discussed assigning a cost to Temporary Liquor License and Temporary Operator’s License. Schluter motioned to charge $10.00 for a Temporary Liquor License and $10.00 for a Temporary Operator’s License. Brunson seconded. Kraemer voted no. Motion carried.


Murphy informed the board that Charter Communications wanted to excavate our street in order to access one of their cable lines. The ordinance requires a $1,000 Street Excavation Bond. That amount is extremely low. Street repairs have increased significantly to repair. There is no current permit fee. A certificate of insurance is required. Kraemer motioned for a Street Excavation Bond to be set at $5,000.00 with a permit fee of $35.  Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.

President Ring discussed assigning a committee for the Village’s 100 year celebration. A decision should be made on composition of the committee, a budget and their decision making latitude. Ring motioned to assign six members, at the most, with one board member participant. A budget of $1,500 and they can ask for additional funds. They should do something to generate money. They will have full decision making authority and give updates to board. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.


President Ring discussed the Village offering incentives to families relocating to the Village of Plain when buying or building a home. Guidelines were presented as a newly constructed home receives three years of pool and golf memberships and a purchase of an existing home receives one year of a pool and golf membership. Kraemer motioned to approve the guidelines as presented. Ring seconded. Motion carried.


The board discussed donating 140 cubic yards of top soil to the cemetery renovation project. Schluter motioned to donate the top soil. Gerber seconded. Kraemer abstained. Motion carried.





An invitation was received from the Spring Green Area Chamber of Commerce for a banquet on October 20th at 6:00pm. Ring will try to make it.


City of Delafield sent a letter. State Legislator Bill 260 requires county zoning to include master plans of any Village. This will allow counties to disregard municipality’s master plan. That has not gone to committee yet. Ring will watch to see what happens. We may want to do a resolution if the law looks like it could get passed.



Review and Audit of Invoices:


Kraemer motioned to pay Check #17064 payable to William/Reid LTD LLC in the amount of $3,194.52 from the Sewer Replacement Fund. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.


A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Ellenbolt. Kraemer seconded. Motion carried.



General Fund 



Debt Services



Library Fund      



Water Utility



Green TTEC



Sewer Department



TIF #2



Golf Course








Wage Reimbursements:






Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn at 9:29 p.m. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.


Sheila Tafs
