Minutes: January 9, 2008
Village Board Proceedings of January 9, 2008
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on January 9, 2008. The following members were present: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Kevin Kraemer; Gary Leeck; James Liegel; Duane Meise; and, Robert Neuheisel, Trustees.
Others present: Erik Henningsgard of General Engineering; Joel Gaalswyk of the Sauk County Board; Shannon Shelton of the Home News; and,
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, January 7, 2008. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.
The meeting was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 7:30 p.m.
Meise motioned to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2007 Regular meeting. Buchanan seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
Joel Gaalswyk, a Sauk County Board Supervisor, addressed the board. The Sauk County MIS Committee approved the donation of a County computer to the Village of Plain Police Department. There was concern in the Town of Spring Green of the Supervisors being unaware whether or not the Sauk County emergency radio towers were working. County staff declared the towers have been in working order for awhile. The Main Street wall has also been a topic of some Supervisors on the County Board. They do not plan on taking responsibility. Gaalswyk’s suggestion was to take out the wall and slope the lawns of the adjacent property owners. President Ellenbolt stated that the subject is still being pursued by the Village and will not be forgotten about.
Erik Henningsgard of General Engineering was present for discussion regarding adding one additional light pole on Kraemer Avenue. This pole was suggested by Alliant Energy to illuminate the driveway entrance of the new Kraemer Brothers maintenance facility. A written quote from Alliant Energy was obtained in the amount of $690.40. This expense would be TIF eligible. There is not any lighting in the parking lot of the maintenance facility, only on the building. Meise motioned to go with the original plan, excluding the extra light pole and see what transpires. The motion was seconded by Neuheisel and carried with Kraemer abstaining.
The Village Attorney reviewed the Village’s concern regarding A-1 Excavating and their defective work on Park Avenue and Willow Street and holding money for damages. The Attorney stated the Village needs a written agreement to hold money in escrow. A verbal acknowledgment would not be legally binding. Legally, the Village can hold 10% of the completed work. Their bonding company can be called if they neglect to repair any failures. Neuheisel motioned to pay A-1 Excavating for Pay Application No. 3 less the $9,500 fee in lieu of liquidated damages. This was seconded by Liegel and carried unanimously.
Henningsgard then informed the board about a discrepancy in the water usage at the Kraemer Brother Maintenance facility and the amount pumped by the lift station. The maintenance facility has used approximately 6,000 gallons of water. The lift station has pumped roughly 26,000 gallons. It is suspected that groundwater is leaking into the lift station. A-1 Excavating needs to be contacted immediately and given a time limit to repair the problem. In light of this new information, Kraemer motioned to withhold an additional $3,500.00 from A-1 Excavating’s Pay Application No. 3 in case another company has to be called in to repair the lift station. This was seconded by Leeck and carried unanimously.
Public Works Department Report
Ruhland then asked for permission from the board to start piling snow in the park parking lot. Public Works has run out of room elsewhere. There were no objections from the board. The Village just needs to be prepared when Strand Engineering is ready to start surveying the park for the Park Master Plan.
JoAnn Baumgardt has not filed a claim against the Village for the sewer back-up in her basement. The Village’s insurance company is 99% sure a claim would be denied if it were to be filed. She is getting the work done now.
Committee Reports
Water & Sewer - Liegel
Water Pumpage for December:
Well No. 1: 158,000
Well No. 2: 2,008,000
Total for December: 2,166,000 gallons, which was 498,100 gallons more than last year.
Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.14 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for December:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 207 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 11 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 274 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 13 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .582 mg/l
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 1,767,600
The Utilities Committee decided to go with General Engineering for the design of the new Well House #1. They could have elevations and preliminary floor plans available for the next board meeting. The entire building will be demoed and a new structure will be erected. The pumps for the well need to be inspected every 9-10 years and this inspection is needed at this time. This is included in General Engineering’s estimate of $255,000. There will also possibly be a garage space added for the police squad car. The only issue is a concern for the firewall between the existing building and the Old Town Hall.
The water rate case is almost ready to send in to the PSC. Johnson Block had a question regarding the amount that the Village pays the Water Utility for fire hydrants. This amount could be charged on the utility bills instead of being a tax levy to the Village. This way tax exempt properties and non-residents would be contributing to this fee instead of the Village tax levy. The entire amount does not have to be charged through the water bills. Residents are not aware of this being charged on their taxes, but they will be aware when it is on their water bill. Trustee Liegel will look into this further.
Police & Golf Course – Meise
The Case Report was presented for December. The Police Department is requesting some items. The light bar on the squad needs replacing. Chief Meyer found a used one in Reedsburg for $300.00. He also wants a caller ID phone for the office. The phone will also be forwarded to the Police squad cell phone. The Police Committee requested to have the phone numbers put on the squad car.
The Golf Course Committee met to discuss the bridges. It is currently being looked into to build a large bridge and only have one bridge. The Committee is in disagreement about the number of bridges, but the decision is ultimately up to the Village Board. A metal structure was suggested similar to the bridge on holes one and nine. An estimate should be ready by the next board meeting. The project would essentially be done while the ground is still frozen.
Parks – Neuheisel
The Parks Committee needs to start preparing for the hiring of the Rec Directors for the 2008 summer season.
There will be a joint Park and Pool Committee meeting on January 21, 2008 to review surveys for the Park Master Plan. This plan is to have a focus on what needs to be done and have a timeline planned to do it in.
Finance & Ordinance – Kraemer
No Finance report.
Kraemer read the first reading of Ordinance Number 157-08, an Ordinance annexing territory to the Village of Plain. The 1.5 acres located in the Town of Franklin is owned by The Kraemer Company and abuts to the north of their Village of Plain lot where their office building is located.
Streets & Library Liaison – Leeck
Circulation for the library was up a little over 9½% in November 2007 from November of 2006. The library hosted an open house for the holidays. Phil’s Foods donated cookies for the event. The library has two new computers.
No Streets Committee Report.
Building & Swimming Pool – Buchanan
Jeff Nachreiner paid his fine in full for his permit violation.
No Pool Committee report.
Other Business
The Village Ordinance states that a vehicle is required to be moved from the streets within 12 hours of a two inch or more snowfall. There were a couple of situations recently. Any vehicle can be left on a street, except in a snowfall, with the property owner’s permission. The other problem with this issue is the small fine amounts for parking violations. This should be reviewed by the Ordinance Committee.
Buchanan motioned to approve the 2008 membership to Sauk County Development Corporation. This was seconded by Leeck, and carried unanimously. Karna Hanna has been in more frequent contact with the Village since her attendance at the October Board Meeting. Buchanan reiterated that the Village needs to get into a position so there is development to market.
Trustee Neuheisel questioned County Supervisor Gaalswyk regarding a new bus system for the elderly in Sauk County. A specialist in transportation hired by the Commission on Aging has applied for at least two federal grants to support public transportation in Sauk County. It is a circle route that Supervisor Gaalswyk believes would serve Plain. This is only a proposal at this time. The Commission on Aging and County Department of Veteran’s Affairs have staff for transportation and this will combine these two systems.
There has been a resident requesting more handicap parking in the Village. This is a burden to the business and not the Village.
There have been four letters received since December’s meeting from Ralph Ruhland questioning the TIF and affect on taxes.
The Caucus is scheduled for Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Meise. Kraemer seconded, and then the motion carried unanimously.
General Fund | $76,320.51 | Water Utility | $3,396.09 | ||
Library Fund | $4,735.12 | Sewer Department | $11,233.10 | ||
Golf Course | $782.04 | ||||
Wage Reimbursements: | $14,120.18 |
Meise motioned to adjourn to closed session at 9:32 p.m. This was seconded by Buchanan, and then the motion carried unanimously.
Sheila Tafs