Minutes: December 2, 2009 Budget Hearing

Village of Plain

Public Hearing

2010 Annual Budget

December 2, 2009



A Public Hearing was held in the Village of Plain at the Municipal Building on December 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.  The purposes of the meeting were to review the 2009 General Fund budget and the proposed 2010 budget. 


The following Village Board members were present: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; Robert Jewell; James Liegel; Duane Meise; Robert Neuheisel; and, Merry Lynn Riek, Trustees. Trustee David Buchanan was absent.


Others Present: Kevin Kraemer


Notice of this meeting was posted on November 18, 2009 in the following locations in the Village of Plain:  Municipal Building; Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank.  The preliminary budget summary was published in the November 18, 2009 issue of the Home News.


The hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Ellenbolt.


The 2010 General Fund budget is within the 3.2% increase limit to qualify for an Expenditure Restraint payment.


School funding was decreased by the state. The schools mill rates have gone up significantly. All other mill rates stayed the same or decreased because of the increase in the Village’s overall assessment.


The mill rate for 2008 taxes was $19.46234.  For 2009, the rate is estimated to be $20.50211.  The mill rate is before the Lottery credit of $81.35 and the First Dollar credit of $71.31 are applied.


The Village’s tax levy increased from $458,733.00 in 2009 to $472,494.00 in 2010.  This is an increase of 3%.



The budget as presented would result in the following 2010 General Fund Budget:






General Property Taxes



Taxes (Other than Property Taxes)



Special Assessments



Intergovernmental Revenues



Licenses and Permits



Fines, Forfeitures & Penalties



Public Charges for Services



Intergovernmental Charges for Services



Miscellaneous Revenue



Other Financing Sources



Total Revenues









General Government



Public Safety



Public Works



Culture & Recreation



Conservation & Development



Other Financing Uses



Total General Fund Expenditures












General Fund Expenditures



Library Fund



Debt Service Fund



Capital Improvements Fund



Total Anticipated Expenditures



Total Anticipated Non-Property Tax Revenues



Capital Improvements Surplus Applied



Amount Required for Tax Levy






 The tax rates would be as follows:



2008 Levy

2008 Mill Rate

2009 Levy

2009 Mill Rate






Sauk County





River Valley




















School Credit





Net Taxes







2009 Assessed Valuation  =  $76,868,700

2009 Equalized Valuation =  $75,242,400

Assessment Ratio              =  1.021614


Liegel motioned to accept the 2010 General Fund budget of $527,144.46 as presented. 

Meise seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.


Liegel motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing. Meise seconded, and the motion carried.


The Public Hearing adjourned to a Village Board meeting at 7:07 p.m.                                                                                           






                                                                                                Sheila Tafs

Village Clerk/Treasurer