Minutes: April 11, 2007

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of April 11, 2007




The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on April 11, 2007.  The following members were present: William Gruber, President; David Buchanan; Kevin Kraemer; Gary Leeck; James Liegel; Harold Murry; and, Philip Studnicka, Trustees.


Others present: James Mann of Ehlers and Associates; Harold Schutz; Raymond Ellenbolt; Robert Neuheisel; Duane Meise; Tom Meyer, Chief of Police; Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director; and, John Ruhland, Public Works Assistant.


Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, April 9, 2007.  Notice was faxed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date. 


The meeting was called to order by President Gruber at 7:30 p.m. 


Murry motioned to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2007 regular meeting. Liegel seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Murry motioned to approve the minutes of the April 4, 2007 Special Assessments Public Hearing. Buchanan seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.


Harold Schutz addressed the Board regarding the American Legion’s cut back in hours for greens fee collections.  Collections will only be done on Friday, Saturday and Sunday by the Legion.  Schutz also advised the board that in his opinion, the Village will see a reduction in memberships with this year’s five percent increase.  His advice to the new Board is to research before taking the recommendation of the Golf Course Committee on fee increases. The final issue concerning Schutz was the surveying of the lot west of the American Legion where a proposed condo is to be built.  Schutz was under the impression that the Village property boundary was where the road goes down to the golf course by the clubhouse.  The Village does not own the road.  This will cut off the American Legion’s driveway to the lower bar.  The current owner is only concerned about liability issues.  This should be worked out between the property owner and the American Legion.


James Mann of Ehlers and Associates was in attendance to inform the Board about financing options for TIF #2.  The bids came in considerably lower than anticipated. Mann proposed two options.  The first option would be traditional financing. The second option would be the Village financing itself for TIF #2 using the current investment interest rate of 5.25%.  To sell a 20 year obligation for traditional financing would be approximately 4.4%.  Mann presented a financing plan for both scenarios.  Traditional financing would close the TIF District a year earlier than the Village backing the investment itself.  The Finance Committee will need to meet to review the proposals and make a recommendation to the Board.


Valley Village, LLC met with the Utilities Committee to discuss options they may have to run water and sewer laterals to their proposed 4-unit condo on the west side of American Legion Drive.  Sewer laterals have always been paid for by someone other than the Village. The Utilities Committee recommends not contributing to the cost of the sewer laterals for this project.  However, the PSC regulations state that the Village is required to install laterals up to one inch in diameter.  This project requires a 1¼ inch copper lateral.  The Utilities Committee recommended the Village pay the equivalent to the cost of a one inch lateral and the developer covering the difference.  The Village would be responsible to complete the project.  Liegel motioned for the Village to be responsible for what a one inch copper lateral would cost and the digging expense.  Buchanan seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.  Liegel then motioned for the Village not to contribute to the expense of the sewer lateral.  This motion was seconded by Buchanan and it carried unanimously. 



Police Department Report


Chief Meyer presented the Case Report for March. The new squad car has been manufactured and is currently at the installer of the police package.  The Control Rifle has been delivered.  The less-lethal shotgun transition kit is in for the shotgun, but not converted because not all the part-timers are qualified for the Control Rifle yet.  The Chief completed Incident Command System training last week.  Some of the part-timers are obtaining re-certifications.  The part-timer training is 3-day courses.



Public Works Department Report


Nick Ruhland informed the board that there is a preconstruction meeting on Friday at 8:00 a.m. on Oak Street with the contractor.


The new flow meter has been installed by Energenecs.  There have been problems and Energenecs will look into it.


There is a water leak on Cedar Street where the new service was installed last year.  Foster Plumbing will dig it up and agreed that if it’s a problem with his work there will be no cost to the Village.


The Public Works department received a new computer from Sauk County.  The old computer was operating on Windows 98.  There were increasing problems with upgrades and files coming in that were incapable of opening. The Sauk County IS department was asked if anything could be done and they recommended a new computer.  They checked into a used one through the County and they were generous enough to donate it to the Village.  They spent a morning here to set it up.  Some software needs to be purchased, but it is a minimal expense for new computer.



Committee Reports


Streets - Studnicka


Buchanan was concerned about property owners paying for the entire cost of new sidewalks on Oak Street.  Leeck explained that’s why a Public Hearing was held and that regulation is in the Ordinances.  The interest rate for the special assessments on Oak Street and Reservoir Avenue was also discussed.  The board reviewed interest rates to see how the 4% was established for the 2004 Main Street special assessments.  A current comparable factor would be 5.25%.  Kraemer motioned to set the interest rate for the 5-year payment plan for 2007 special assessments at 5.25%.  This was seconded by Studnicka and carried unanimously.



Water & Sewer and Cable TV - Liegel


No Cable TV report.


The Old Franklin Township Historical Society is requesting to connect to water and sewer.   Water will be run to their property line, but sewer is their responsibility. 


An environmental assessment fee is assessed annually by the Department of Natural Resources for reason that outfall is being put back into a stream.  This fee should decrease in a few years because Nitrogen Ammonia was high through 2003 until a trickling filter distributer arm was installed in February of 2004.  It treats the BOD and the ammonia by allowing the RBC to not have such a demand on it.  The DNR looks back 5 years and once 2003 drops off the chart the fee will be lower. 


Water Pumpage for March:


Well No. 1:      269,000

            Well No. 2:   1,919,500


Total for March: 2,188,500 gallons, which was 458,900 gallons more than last year.


Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab.  Both samples tested safe.


            Monthly fluoride average: 1.34 p.p.m.



Wastewater Report for March:


            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    212 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    10        Limit: 15 mg/l


            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      315 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      17        Limit: 20 mg/l


Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia:  1.64 mg/l     

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

            29.0 mg/l  Daily


            Total gallons treated: 2,145,300



Building & Swimming Pool – Buchanan


The State denied the diving board variance.  The only option now is to put the new diving board in the exact same spot because it would be grandfathered in.  Buchanan is going to be meeting with Ruhland to examine the condition of the deck and make sure it is structurally sound.  The diving board will then be ordered.


A pool program schedule has been set.  The 2nd Wednesday of the month will be a family night.  Other theme events are scheduled; a Luau, a Mexican Fiesta and a 50th Anniversary celebration.


The Old Franklin Township Historical Society applied for a building permit for their remodel and that was approved.  A resident with an attached garage requested to build a detached garage.  That does not comply with Ordinance and he was wondering if it was worth his while to apply for a variance.  In Buchanan’s conversation with the resident he indicated that this type of variance most likely would not be approved but ultimately it would be his decision to pursue the variance.



Finance & Ordinance – Kraemer


A Finance Committee meeting will be set up to review financing for the TIF District.


Kraemer read the second reading of Ordinance 155-07 to adopt the Village of Plain, Industrial Park 100 Year-Floodway Analysis Report dated November 24, 1997 and Village of Plain, Industrial Park Hydraulic Analysis map, accepting flood elevation profiles listed as existing, dated December 4, 1997.  Kraemer motioned to approve the adoption.  Buchanan seconded and it carried unanimously. 



Police & Library Liaison – Leeck


The circulation was down slightly in February for the Library for the first time in awhile.  The cause is most likely because of excessive snow fall and frigid temperatures.  National Library Week is during the week of April 16th.  A previous long range plan was done for 2004-2007.  The Library is planning to update this plan.


No Police Committee report.



Parks & Golf Course - Murry


Parks Committee recommended to hire Angela Straka for the Recreation Program Director position. Murry motioned to accept this recommendation.  This was seconded by Kraemer and it carried unanimously.  Ruhland stated that he will be meeting with her on Friday to mold the schedule.


The Golf Course Committee met and decided that Golf Course Starters should be hired this year since the American Legion is limiting their collection hours.  Buchanan questioned if this was in the Golf Course budget.  It was proclaimed that this position is a break even proposition.  The cost of the Starters are balanced with the revenue that is saved by their presence.  The Golf Course Committee was concerned about dishonest players.  Also, the committee addressed concern about last year’s Honey Creek project.  Two new golf course bridges have gravel washing out from underneath.  Westbrook Engineering inspected the bridges and concluded that the material that was used was not up to the specks of the project contract.  The contractor will work with the engineers to resolve the matter.  There will be no cost to the Village.



Other Business


Trustee Buchanan wanted to get a consensus from the board regarding building permit requirements for remodeling before it was discussed at a committee level.  A variety of ideas were discussed but no determinations were made.  The Board agreed that the Ordinance needs to be clarified.


Murry motioned to waive the fee for the use of the pavilion by “Art in the Park”.  This was seconded by Leeck and carried unanimously.


Liegel motioned to approve the operator licenses for the St. Luke’s Parish Festival for Sheryl Frank, Cynthia Haag, Kristine Herbrand, Jeff Koch, Michele Koch, Karl Kraemer, Kathleen Nachreiner, Sue Renger, Sue Ruhland, Denise Spude, and Mike Spude.  This was seconded by Studnicka, and then carried unanimously.  Liegel then motioned to approve St. Luke’s temporary picnic license and the extended hours permit for Friday June 8th and Saturday June 9th.  This was seconded by Leeck, and then carried unanimously. 


Kraemer motioned to grant approval for operator’s licenses for Michelle L. Edwards and Kristin M. Lewis for the period ending June 30, 2007 and was seconded by Leeck.  The motion carried unanimously. 


Buchanan motioned to set the Board of Review date on May 16, 2007 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This was seconded by Liegel, and then carried unanimously.


After some discussion, Murry motioned to appoint Thomas Meyer as Chief of Police and Sheila Tafs as Clerk/Treasurer for the period of May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2009.  This was seconded by Leeck.  The motion to appoint both the Police Chief and Clerk/Treasurer was unanimous.





No correspondence. 



Review and Audit of Invoices:


Kraemer motioned to pay Voucher #9094 payable to Energenecs in the amount of $814.96 from the Sewer Parts Replacement Fund.  This was seconded by Liegel, and then carried unanimously.


A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Buchanan.  Studnicka seconded, and then the motion carried unanimously.


General Fund:             $42,701.70                              Water Utility:           $ 2,294.36

Library Fund:              $  2,564.08                              Sewer Department:  $ 3,637.20

T.I.F. #2:                     $     263.96                              Golf Course:             $    652.41         


Wages and Reimbursements: $13,514.94


Buchanan motioned to adjourn to closed session at 9:22 p.m.  This was seconded by Studnicka, and then the motion carried unanimously.





Sheila Tafs 
