Minutes: September 12, 2012
Village of Plain
Village Board Proceedings of September 12, 2012
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the MunicipalBuilding on September 12, 2012. The meeting was called to order by Clerk/Treasurer Tafs at 7:30 p.m.
Ellenbolt motioned to appoint Trustee Kraemer as Chair for the September 12, 2012 Regular Board meeting. Gerber seconded. Motion carried with Liegel voting no.
Roll Call: Stephanie Box; John Dischler; Raymond Ellenbolt; Walter Gerber; Kevin Kraemer; and James Liegel, Trustees. President Raymond Ring was absent.
Others present: Merry Lynn Riek; Jack Schluter; Carolyn Forde, Library Director; Marion Copus of the Home News; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the MunicipalBuilding; the Plain Post Office; and The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, September 10, 2012. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on Friday, September 7, 2012.
Box motioned to approve minutes from the August 8, 2012 Regular Board meeting. Liegel seconded. Motion carried with Ellenbolt abstaining.
Liegel motioned to approve minutes from the September 5, 2012 Special Board meeting. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Carolyn Forde, Library Director, thanked Public Works for the repairs in the alley and the parking lot. Forde also thanked Officer Schreiber for dealing with library patrons with struggles. The library is now ten years old and maintenance issues are arising. Many questions have surfaced as to what is the roll of the Village and the Library Board. Everyone’s role needs to be defined in the question of maintenance. The Library is a success and a benefit of the community. The Library Board takes the position that library maintenance is a shared responsibility. The Village should be responsible for the physical plant which consists of the building shell and mechanical systems. The Library Board would be responsible for ongoing costs of services which consist of landscape maintenance, snow removal, window washing, carpet cleaning, equipment replacement, materials acquisitions and staff salaries. Kraemer pointed out that if this process is changed, the Village Ordinance may need review since it states that the Library Board is responsible for the building. Liegel questioned general maintenance versus building maintenance. The little details need to be worked out. Box questioned if the library appropriation was determined on the Library Board taking care of the building. If the ordinance is not changed, it appears they would need more money appropriated for the building. Kraemer indicated that it is unrealistic to think that the library can afford these types of improvements. Kraemer said the Ordinance and Finance Committees need to review the situation. These committees could come to the Library Board meeting and make a decision from research.
Green TTEC Director Report
Shawn Murphy report:
Sent Green TTEC brochures to 14 organizations.
Met with 2 local residents regarding possible business start up and organizing an LLC.
8/9 Met with Vendor to obtain Proposal on HVAC maintenance.
8/15 Met with potential steering committee members for Phil’s Foods.
8/15 Attended Small Downtown Forum in Juneau, WI
8/16, 21, 23 & 30 Surveillance Camera Install at Green TTEC
8/21 & 8/22 Coordinated work at Green TTEC for individual’s Community Service obligation
8/23 Met with John Alt Re: MATC involvement and transition issues at Green TTEC
8/23 Met with EUA, Ideal Bldrs & AEI to conduct final inspection prior to warranty expiration.
8/24 Provided information to resident on WBE.
8/27 Met with R. Terrien and toured Innovation Kitchen in Mineral Point.
8/28 St Luke/St John Staff Meeting at Green TTEC.
8/30 Met with Auditor to provide materials for EDA Single Audit
8/31 Made contact with individual regarding information on potential local property purchase.
9/5 Sauk County Chief’s Assn Meeting Green TTEC.
Green TTEC Building Energy Use Summary |
Est |
Actual Electric Use (KWH) |
Net |
Est |
Act |
Est |
Est Nat |
Nat |
Nat Gas |
Act |
Year |
Month |
Use |
Total |
PV |
Net |
Credit |
Electric |
Electric |
Use |
Use |
Nat Gas |
Gas |
Elect |
Gas |
2012 |
Jan |
13,000 |
6,080 |
160 |
5,920 |
$17.75 |
$685.03 |
$1,592 |
374 |
260 |
$327.02 |
$199.50 |
$0.11 |
$0.84 |
Feb |
10,000 |
3,840 |
320 |
3,520 |
$35.49 |
$449.30 |
$1,227 |
318 |
200 |
$293.43 |
$156.16 |
$0.11 |
$0.48 |
Mar |
9,000 |
3,840 |
480 |
3,360 |
$53.24 |
$451.35 |
$1,105 |
59 |
100 |
$56.66 |
$83.93 |
$0.11 |
$0.75 |
April |
7,700 |
4,000 |
640 |
3,360 |
$70.99 |
$471.21 |
$946 |
80 |
0 |
$51.44 |
$11.70 |
$0.11 |
$0.88 |
May |
8,000 |
2,720 |
1,120 |
1,600 |
$136.53 |
$204.51 |
$983 |
11 |
0 |
$17.36 |
$11.70 |
$0.12 |
$0.52 |
June |
8,500 |
2,880 |
1,120 |
1,760 |
$136.53 |
$240.13 |
$1,044 |
0 |
0 |
$11.70 |
$11.70 |
$0.12 |
July |
10,000 |
3,200 |
960 |
2,240 |
$117.02 |
$300.32 |
$1,227 |
0 |
0 |
$12.48 |
$11.70 |
$0.12 |
Aug |
11,500 |
$1,409 |
0 |
$11.70 |
Sept |
10,750 |
$1,318 |
0 |
$11.70 |
Oct |
8,500 |
$1,044 |
85 |
Nov |
10,500 |
$1,288 |
200 |
Murphy is meeting with the National Guard this Sunday to see how much they can do of the Rec Trail Project. Meise is receptive to the National Guard.
Police Department Report
Officer Schreiber informed the board that hours are being scaled back with summer coming to an end.
Public Works Department Report
Nick Ruhland had no report.
Committee Reports
Building Committee & Fire District –Dischler
No Building Committee report.
Dischler reported that the Fire District’s mill rate for next year will be .65. They are preparing for the first truck replacement in 2015. Last year the mill rate was .53.
Green TTEC, Parks, SCDC & Cable TV – Ellenbolt
Ellenbolt reported that a couple of people are scheduled to look at Green TTEC. He has some good leads with one of them building in park.
SCDC is hosting a leadership meeting on October 11th with the board, local businessmen and the Clerk being invited.
Gerber reported that the posts were pulled out of parking lot at the park. Boulders are being trucked in and put in place. The boulders are all different colors and round.
Library, Police & RV Court – Gerber
The Library has no other report.
No Police or RV Court reports.
Streets & Utilities – Kraemer
Water Pumpage for August, 2012:
Well No. 1: 661,000
Well No. 2: 2,123,000
Total for August: 2,784,000 gallons, which was 504,000 gallons less than last year.
Two bacteria were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.17 p.p.m. Monthly chlorine average: 0.20 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for August, 2012:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 215 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 6.0 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 207 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 6.0 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .1378 p.p.m.
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly, 29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 2,127,000
The Streets Committee completed the storm sewer work at the library in the alley and the south side parking lot. It is hopeful that the problem is resolved. Everyone involved did a great job putting in long days. Next week concrete is scheduled for the curb & gutter. The paving is scheduled for mid-October. The committee is also looking into fixing the storm sewer that projects into Highway B. There is continuing discussion and investigation for the next street project which is Parkview Avenue. The committee will also meet to discuss the 2013 budget.
Utilities will meet to discuss the 2013 budget.
Finance & Ordinance – Liegel
The Finance Committee met to discuss year-to-date budget numbers. There is nothing out of the ordinary. The committee also reviewed how employee evaluations will be handled. Committee chairs received their budget spreadsheets tonight. These are due to the Clerk by Wednesday, October 10th. The chairs are asked to come to a budget meeting on October 17th to review their budgets.
The board has the updated Ordinance Book pages in their folders which reflect tonight’s ordinance approvals.
Pool & Golf – Box
Box reported that the pool had an end-of-year pool party that had about 40 people attend. There was food and prizes. People had a lot of fun. Thank you to the lifeguards that helped organize and run the games and a special thank you to Culvers and Plain Kwik Stop for donating prizes.
The Golf Course Committee received bids for dredging. One being over $70,000 and the other being $7,300, which was not a complete bid. It was more of an informational bid. The board had an extensive discussion in regards to concern and ideas for the creek problem.
Development/Planning – Ring
No Development & Planning Commission report.
Other Business
Murphy read the second reading of Ordinance 177-12: Updating the Noxious Weed ordinance to include natural lawns/landscaping and decrease the lawn height regulation to eight inches. Liegel motioned to approve Ordinance 177-12. Dischler seconded. Motion carried.
Liegel read the second reading of Ordinance 178-12: Changing the closing hours of a “Class A” or Class “A” license to correspond with the Wisconsin State Statutes. Gerber motioned to approve Ordinance 178-12. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Liegel read the second reading of Ordinance 179-12: Changing the number of complaints to prosecute a habitual disturbance of an animal. Ellenbolt motioned to approve Ordinance 179-12. Box seconded. Motion carried.
Liegel read the second reading of Ordinance 180-12 with revisions: Adding a limitation of 72 hours for general parking on village streets. Dischler motioned to approve Ordinance 180-12. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Liegel read the second reading of Ordinance 181-12 with revisions: Abandoned vehicles to not have owner’s permission and increasing the timeframe to 72 hours. Gerber motioned to approve Ordinance 181-12. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
Kraemer read the first reading of Ordinance 182-12: Splitting sewer customer fees to apply a higher sewer fee category for nonresidential sewer customers. Liegel motioned to approve Ordinance 182-12. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Dischler motioned to adopt of Resolution #2012-12, a resolution exempting the Village from County library tax. Gerber seconded. Motion carried.
Liegel motioned to set the Budget Hearing for Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 7:00pm. Dischler seconded. Motion carried.
Liegel explained the Investment Policy. Kraemer pointed out that this is exactly what the Village has been doing. Box motioned to approve the Investment Policy as presented. Liegel seconded. Motion carried.
No correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
A motion to pay the monthly invoices was made by Liegel. Ellenbolt seconded. Motion carried.
General Fund |
$56,825.78 |
Capital Improvements |
$0.00 |
Library Fund |
$4,901.51 |
Water Utility |
$17,086.56 |
Green TTEC |
$7,435.55 |
Sewer Department |
$2,794.93 |
TIF #2 |
$2,462.17 |
Golf Course |
$1,460.69 |
Wage Reimbursements: |
$35,920.52 |
Ellenbolt motioned to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. Dischler seconded. Motion carried.
Sheila Tafs