Minutes: June 9, 2010

Village of Plain

Village Board Proceedings of June 9, 2010


The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on June 9, 2010. The meeting was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 7:30 p.m.


Roll Call: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; Cole Brunson; Robert Jewell; Kevin Kraemer; Duane Meise; Robert Neuheisel; and, John Schluter, Trustees.


Others present: Jim Mann, Ehlers & Associates, Inc.; Allen Ring, Rings Bar; Emil Diehl, I-Diehl Tap; Laura Graves, Home News; Chief Kevin Wilkins; Officer Chuck Schreiber; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.


Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, June 7, 2010.  Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.


Meise motioned to approve minutes from the May 12, 2010 Regular Board meeting. This was seconded by Brunson and carried unanimously. Schluter then motioned to approve minutes from the June 2, 2010 Board of Review. This was seconded by Brunson and carried with Kraemer and Meise abstaining.


Chief Wilkins addressed the board regarding outdoor alcohol consumption in the Village. The liquor license only allows consumption on the first floor of the establishment at 950 Alma Avenue. The Chief suggested a contingency for the liquor license for outdoor alcohol consumption and a fenced in area. A fence would let everyone know the boundaries. The Board needs to set a precedent of what is acceptable for the Village of Plain. The Board will allow consumption in the lawn. Kraemer motioned to leave it the way it is. This was seconded by Jewell and carried unanimously.


Jim Mann of Ehlers and Associates addressed the Board regarding financing for the Green TTEC facility. The Peoples Community Bank is willing to do a one year obligation at 3.25% interest for the construction loan. Mann reviewed TID projected finances with the new financing for the Green TTEC facility. Jewell motioned to approve Resolution 2010-03 “Authorizing the Issuance of $2,400,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes and the Issuance and Sale of $2,400,000 Note Anticipation Notes in Anticipation Thereof.” This was seconded by Kraemer and carried unanimously. Roll Call Vote- Roll call vote: Ellenbolt – Yes; Brunson – Yes; Jewell – Yes; Kraemer – Yes; Meise – Yes; Neuheisel – Yes; Schluter – Yes.



Police Department Report


No report.



President Ellenbolt explained that the municipal court judge would like his monthly pay to be increased from $225 to $300 a month because of the increased work load from Village of Plain citations. Jewell motioned to approve the $75 monthly increase. Kraemer seconded and carried with Meise voting no.



Public Works Department Report


Nick Ruhland addressed the board regarding the pool. The pool basin is still leaking after plugging half of the joints with hydraulic cement today. Pool water is coming into the sump in the basement. The new drain box was repaired two weeks ago as part of the warranty. It has been tested and the drain is not the current problem. Badger Pool has to come back. The board suggested to keep trying to do whatever can be done. Plug the rest of the joints and patch the cracks. Pool employees will not be compensated for the loss of work.



Committee Reports


Finance – Schluter


The Finance Committee is working to hire the Green TTEC Director.



Police & Parks – Meise


No Police Committee report


The Parks Committee presented a sample of the metal shingles intended for the pavilion roof. Quotes came in at just over $13,000. The donor of the supplies has no problem with paying for the steel roof material. The volunteer labor proposal will not work out. A bid will have to be obtained on the labor.


There are many kids involved in the Rec Program with 20 kids are participating in the golf league.


The Fire Department wants to install a sun shield over the bleacher stands at the park. It would be taken down during the winter. Rain will sift through the shield, it is meant for shade from the sun. The backs of the shields will say Plain Fire Department on one and Plain EMS on the other. The Village Board has no objections.



Golf, Library & Emergency Government – Neuheisel


The Golf Course currently has 172 members topping last year’s 166 total for the year.


The Library circulation is up 14% over last year at this time. They hosted a walk-a-thon on May 22nd. The kitchen floor needs to be replaced. Summer library programs are being scheduled.



RV Court Commission, Streets & Utilities – Kraemer


No RV Court Commission report.


Streets Committee met to review streets with the new committee. Streets need to be continually funded because of a losing battle in regards to budget years versus street lifespan. Snow removal was discussed and a system is being worked out. The intersection of Meadow Lane and Honey Creek Drive has a culvert issue that will be repaired this year. There is also an issue with Parkview Avenue.


Boscobel Excavating was here today to take care of the cement work on Cedar Street. Iverson will be here before long. This work is follow-up to the 2009 project.


Pumpage decreased significantly since the Cedar Street project was complete. The slight increase this month is due to the pool issues.


Water Pumpage for May:

Well No. 1:      745,000

            Well No. 2:   2,483,000


Total for May: 3,228,000 gallons, which was 427,000 gallons more than last year.


Two bacteria samples were sent to the State Lab. Both samples tested safe.


            Monthly fluoride average: 1.12 p.p.m.


Wastewater Report for May:

            Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    101 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.:    7          Limit: 15 mg/l


            Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      157 mg/l

            Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.:      10        Limit: 20 mg/l


Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .1888 mg/l    

Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly

                        29.0 mg/l Daily


            Total gallons treated: 2,686,000



Building – Brunson


At the Board of Review, issues with permitting was brought up. A building permit for remodeling is not required unless there is plumbing or electrical required. There were complaints regarding adding living space and not getting a building permit. Kraemer pointed out that current building permits promote continued maintenance of homes.



Pool & Ordinance – Jewell


The pool was already discussed.


The Ordinance Committee should meet soon.  



Development & Planning and Green TTEC Advisory – Ellenbolt


The Green TTEC Advisory Committee will meet on Monday night. Met with Focus on Energy and Alliant Energy and incentives should be available for the Green TTEC building.



Other Business


A motion to grant approval for operator’s licenses was then made by Jewell and seconded by Neuheisel.  The motion carried unanimously.  All licenses as follows are for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.







David L




Jacquelyn J


Jane E


Mary C


Genevieve L


Cathleen A


Rosemary E




Charlene M


Chelsea M


Lori A






Nicole D




Ashley A.




Michelle L




Donna M










Jessica A




Stephen J




Emma C


Doreen M


Sarah R


Cheryl J


Tammy K


Fred G


Meise motioned to adopt Resolution #2010-02, concerning the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report.  This was seconded by Neuheisel, and carried unanimously.


Meise motioned to approve the contract with Consumers Co-op Oil Company for propane delivery for the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.  This was seconded by Jewell, and the motion carried unanimously.


Kraemer motioned to approve a temporary Class B Retailer’s License, the temporary operator’s licenses, a fireworks display permit and the extended hours permit for the Fire Department and E.M.S. Three-Day Celebration. This was seconded by Jewell, and then carried unanimously.





No Correspondence.



Review and Audit of Invoices:


Meise motioned to pay Voucher #12068 payable to Prairie Plumbing & Heating Inc. in the amount of $77.89 from the Sewer Parts Replacement Fund.  This was seconded by Jewell, and then carried unanimously.


A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Meise. Neuheisel seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.


General Fund 


Debt Services


Library Fund      


Water Utility


Green TTEC


Sewer Department


TIF #2


Golf Course


Wage Reimbursements:




Meise motioned to adjourn at 9:52 p.m. This was seconded by Kraemer and carried unanimously.





Sheila Tafs
