Minutes: March 12, 2008
Village Board Proceedings of March 12, 2008
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on March 12, 2008. The following members were present: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Kevin Kraemer; James Liegel; Duane Meise; and, Robert Neuheisel, Trustees. Trustee Gary Leeck was absent.
Others present: Gary Ilminen of the Home News; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, March 10, 2008. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.
The meeting was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 7:30 p.m.
Meise motioned to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2008 Regular Meeting. Liegel seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. Next, Buchanan motioned to approve the minutes of the February 27, 2008 Special Meeting. Neuheisel seconded the motion, and then carried unanimously.
Public Works Department Report
Committee Reports
Water & Sewer - Liegel
The PSC, Public Service Commission, has received all the information needed for the Village’s rate increase and the Well House #1 reconstruction. They are in the process of reviewing the application. It is expected to hear something in 2-4 weeks. A meeting will be called between the Utilities and Building Committees along with General Engineering to discuss the reconstruction of Well House #1.
Water Pumpage for February:
Well No. 1: 12,000
Well No. 2: 2,213,000
Total for February: 2,225,000 gallons, which was 333,300 gallons more than last year.
Two bacteria and two well samples were sent to the State Lab. All samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.25 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for February:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 185 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 13 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 210 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 11 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: 1.57 mg/l
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 1,746,500
Police & Golf Course – Meise
The Case Report was presented for February. Chief Meyer has a difference of opinion with him working weekends. The Police Committee feels he should work some weekend hours and he disagrees. Chief Meyer also has a problem where the legal fees are charged for the Police Department. He thinks they should not be a part of the Police Budget. The Chief is going to check into the possibility of a municipal judge to avoid Boardman Law Firm legal fees. The Chief also had objections to four expenses totaling approximately $31.00 over the past two months that were charged to the Police Budget. Crosswalk concerns for school children were also discussed at the Committee meeting. Traffic is not stopping for them on the highway. The board pointed out that the squad should patrol that area when the kids are walking home from school. Vacation time for the Chief has not officially been approved for the 4th of July. This week is one of the three biggest weeks of the year for the Police Department and there is concern about the most experienced officer not being available during those troubling times. Trustee Buchanan is in the process of setting up a visit to the schools by Chief Meyer.
No Golf Course report.
Parks – Neuheisel
The Recreation Director and Assistant Recreation Director are currently being advertised for.
There was a Special Board meeting on February 27th with Josh Straka of Strand Engineering. There were a lot of good ideas mentioned for the Park Master Plan that he’ll take back to start the planning process. He is just waiting for the snow to melt to start surveying the area.
A co-ed softball slow pitch league is being looked into by Cody Pulvermacher. Parks Committee would need to approve this new league. Diamond space may be a potential problem.
Finance & Ordinance – Kraemer
No Finance Committee report.
No Ordinance report.
Streets & Library Liaison – Leeck
No Library report.
In Trustee Leeck’s absence, Trustee Neuheisel reported for the Streets Committee. Bids were advertised for the American Legion Drive project, which includes the American Legion parking lot and Feiner’s condo driveway. The committee also discussed large trees in terraces between the sidewalks and the curbs. The roots are breaking up the sidewalks. Notices will be going out to property owners warning them not to plant trees without permission in this area. A letter was sent to residents on Cedar Street affected by the 2009 project so they can budget for their special assessments. Nachreiner Avenue, from Oak Street to Main Street, was also brought up again regarding making it a one-way street. The option should be brought up to residents and let them decide which direction it should run if it were to become a one-way.
Building & Swimming Pool – Buchanan
The Pool Committee has received six applications for lifeguards. Interviews will be set up shortly. April 2nd is tentatively planned for the summer program sign-up at the library because Simply Swimming will be available for swimming suits for the Swim Team.
One building permit has been issued since the last meeting for a porch remodel.
Other Business
The Planning and Development Commission recommended to the board that the recently annexed territory by the ratification of Ordinance 157-08 be assigned zoning of Industrial District. Kraemer made the motion to assign zoning of Industrial District. The motion was seconded by Meise and carried unanimously.
Next, the board discussed paying for Kelly Walsh’s garage repair damaged by A1 Excavating and deducting the amount from A1’s final payment. The Village Board determined that A-1 Excavating had a contract with the Village of Plain for one project and they had an independent contract with Walsh. The board deems these two separate projects for A-1 Excavating and should not be intertwined. The Village Board is aware of an agreement made between Walsh and A-1 Excavating regarding concrete at no cost to Walsh in exchange for damaging his garage. The Village is uninformed about what transpired financially with that agreement and will not be paying the invoice.
The Board reviewed two General Engineering invoices for Lift Station start-up and A1 Excavating’s unsatisfactory work to be paid by TIF Funds. The unsatisfactory work invoice can be deducted from A1 Excavating’s final payment. Meise motioned to pay the two invoices and Liegel seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Nick Ruhland informed the board that the high bidder on the plow truck was Joe Nachreiner at $11,500. However, Nachreiner visited Nick upon finding out that the truck would not be available to him until the Village has received their new plow truck some time in April. Nachreiner then offered $11,000 as a compromise to wait until the Village receives their new truck. The board agreed that sealed bids can not be rescinded. Liegel motioned to deny all bids. Buchanan seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Resolution 2008-01, authorizing borrowing for the 2008 Ford Super Duty 4500 Plow Truck was adjusted to borrow $44,115.23 in light of the truck bid denial and accepting the trade-in allowance offered by Ballweg. With the amount corrected from the presented copy of the resolution, Kraemer motioned to approve Resolution 2008-01. Buchanan seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2008-02 presented as banning smoking in Village owned vehicles and during working hours excluding breaks and lunch was discussed. The board agreed that this resolution should officially ban smoking in Village owned vehicles along with the smoking ban in Village buildings as set forth in Resolution 99-1. Terms that banned smoking during working hours excluding breaks and lunch was removed from Resolution 2008-02. Liegel motioned to approve the rephrased resolution. Buchanan seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The board discussed the opportunity to buy the undeveloped vacant lot next to the water reservoir. Ken Kraemer’s Offer to Purchased had expired. Jeff Schluter decreased their asking price for the Village to $7,000. The Village board agreed that the Village should not pay more than the assessed value of the lot.
Buchanan motioned to refer the Palace Bar & Bowl license status to the attorney for review and recommendation. This was seconded by Meise and carried unanimously.
The board next discussed issuing a peddler’s license to The Schwan Food Company for regular truck load sales in the Village. The Village Board was in agreement that this would negatively impact local businesses. Neuheisel motioned to deny The Schwan Food Company’s request for a peddler’s license. Kraemer seconded, and then the motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Liegel informed the board that Mike Paulus contacted him regarding donating a batting cage to the Village park in memory of his father Ed Paulus. The Village would need to upgrade the pitching machine. The board feels this is a great idea and welcomes the donation. Josh Straka of Strand Engineering should be informed of the donation so it can be incorporated into the Park Master Plan.
Trustee Meise asked that the Ordinance Committee to meet and rewrite the snow shoveling ordinance to state that an entire sidewalk should be shoveled instead of it just being “passable.”
President Ellenbolt announced that Village of Plain has the opportunity to purchase approximately 29 acres of land for commercial development. This property is located north of the Village and west of Highway 23. It will need to be annexed to the Village and the TIF District amended to include the property. It is the Village’s intentions to have “shovel-ready” sites for interested businesses to locate in Plain.
President Ellenbolt inquired if the board would be agreeable in changing the regular board meeting time by ordinance to 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. Trustee Meise was the only reluctant party because of his demanding work schedule during the summer months. This subject was abandoned.
No Correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
Liegel motioned to pay Voucher #9977 payable to L.W. Allen, Inc. in the amount of $1,966.82 from the Sewer Parts Replacement Fund. This was seconded by Buchanan, and then carried unanimously.
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Meise. Neuheisel seconded, and then the motion carried unanimously.
General Fund | $35,670.79 | Water Utility | $3,000.05 | ||
Library Fund | $3,748.88 | Sewer Department | $6,595.58 | ||
Debt Services | $22,328.54 | Golf Course | $45.68 | ||
Wage Reimbursements: | $14,515.03 |
Liegel motioned to adjourn to closed session at 9:11 p.m. This was seconded by Buchanan, and then the motion carried unanimously.
Sheila Tafs