Minutes: April 8, 2009
Village Board Proceedings of April 8, 2009
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Plain was held at the Municipal Building on April 8, 2009. The following members were present: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Kevin Kraemer; James Liegel; Duane Meise; Robert Neuheisel; and, Merry Lynn Riek, Trustees.
Others present: Josh Straka of Strand Associates, Inc.; LaNell Jaquish of Project Recovery; Wayne Jerrett of Peterson Sanitation; Robert Jewell; Chris Raught; Gary Ilminen of the Home News; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the Village of Plain: the Municipal Building; the Plain Post Office; and, The Peoples Community Bank on Monday, April 6, 2009. Notice was emailed to the Home News and the Baraboo News Republic on the same date.
The meeting was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 7:30 p.m.
Meise motioned to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2009 Regular Board Meeting. Buchanan seconded the motion, and it carried with Riek abstaining.
Thank you to Kevin Kraemer for his years of service. Welcome to Robert Jewell and re-elected Trustees Duane Meise and Robert Neuheisel.
Chris Raught was present to address the board regarding the annexations of the non-resident sewer customers. President Ellenbolt informed him that another meeting will be scheduled to discuss the annexation.
LaNell Jaquish from Project Recover addressed the board. This organization is funded by FEMA and they visit flood victims to see how they are doing emotionally. They do not have funds to provide, but they connect them with agencies that could help victims financially. She informed the board to direct anyone in need of their services to her.
Wayne Jerrett of Peterson Sanitation notified the board that prices for garbage and recycling will increase starting in 2010 for $8.50 per house per month. This will increase by $.25 per year through the year 2014 for $9.75. Recycling cost will be $2.50 per home per month. Jerrett is getting out meeting boards early in case they want to shop around for prices. The board does not need to respond right now.
Josh Straka of Strand Associates was present for updates on Cedar Street, the Dredging Project and the Business Park; and, action on bid approvals for Cedar Street and the Dredging Project. Iverson Construction was the low bidder on Cedar Street.
The bid came in at $152,128.00 with the alternate being $240,059.50 for a total of $392,187.50. The engineering costs are around $80.000 all the way through construction for the entire length of Cedar Street. The bids came in very low. Just the bid of $152,128 is coming in at budget. If the alternate were to be completed, that amount would need to be borrowed. The loan could be structured with the intention that the next two budgeting years for streets could be used to pay the loan. Interest rates should be looked into and a special meeting would be called on April 15, 2009 to decide on the bid.
Next, Straka presented the bids for the dredging project. The low bidder was Nelson Excavating at $57,345. Plus engineering costs will be a little over $15,000. Edward Kraemer & Sons has not come forward with donated funds; as a result the Village is short on funds to do this project. President Ellenbolt will talk to EKS again. The dredging project will also be discussed at the special meeting. The bid doesn’t have to be decided on for 60 days, June 7, 2009.
The Department of Transportation wants the street into the Plain Honey Creek Business Park to be squared up with Kraemer Avenue. The street would be built up to keep out of the floodplain. The DOT will require type B1 turning bays, 200 foot long with 150 foot long tapers, on both sides of Highway 23. An access permit will be obtained, as well as the Chapter 30 permit and the detention basin design will be ready for bid when someone is ready to develop the property.
The floodplain is being studied in the Plain Honey Creek Business Park. The Village is applying for the Stewardship grant for help with the floodplain property that was purchased. The floodplain analysis will determine how much land will be included in the grant.
Public Works Department Report
The Public Works department sent out letters to all residents to make them aware that sump pumps draining to the Village’s sewer system is illegal. The WWTP is coming close to reaching the high limits and this is part of the problem.
The Kraemer Company has volunteered to help rebuild the ball diamond infield later this week. It was scraped last fall because of last year’s flooding.
When black top is available, Main Street and Wildwood Drive utility cuts will be patched by Wilson Creek Excavating.
The golf course was opened today. There are some soft areas. Hole #9 will temporarily still be played as a Par 3 because of new seedling.
Golf Course Starters have not been decided yet. The status of the American Legion needs to be determined first.
The Wisconsin Department of Health has given a deadline of 2010 to install the new drain requirements. The pool will be able to open on time and renovation can be done in the fall. However, both pools need to be done, not just the large pool.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation wants to put up an unsightly GPS monument in front of the Wastewater Treatment Plant for surveying purposes. The spot they have picked out is where snow is stored in the winter. The only benefit would be that the department would pay for Internet. The issue was tabled.
Committee Reports
Water & Sewer - Liegel
Water Pumpage for March:
Well No. 1: 861,000
Well No. 2: 1,203,000
Total for March: 2,064,000 gallons, which was 311,000 gallons less than last year.
Two bacteria samples and one well sample were sent to the State Lab. All samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.12 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for March:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 127 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 14 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 127 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 7 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .844 mg/l
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 3,838,600
Police & Golf Course – Meise
No Police Committee report.
The American Legion will be meeting Friday to discuss the Golf Course clubhouse status for the summer. There is concern of closing the doors. The 1971 land lease between the Legion and the Village states “in addition, the leasee will operate and maintain a bar in the downstairs portion of the said building which can be used by the users of said golf course and the public in general.” The question is if there is an obligation to open the clubhouse or not. Trustee Riek suggested that the American Legion looses their liquor license if they don’t open.
There was not rip rap put on the existing culvert on the Golf Course. The cart path on hole #5 needs to be changed to correct some water problems.
Parks & Streets – Neuheisel
There was a complaint regarding an ordinance violation of dogs leaving defecation in the park and dog presence in the tennis courts. Signs will be purchased and put up in the park. People are also careless about walking their dogs and leaving defecation in the streets as well. The Police Department should handle these problems.
The summer sign-up for the pool and rec program will be scheduled for later this month.
Finance – Kraemer
No Finance Committee report.
Ordinance & Library Liaison – Riek
On May 13th the Village Board will be meeting in the library’s community room. The Library Board is planning refreshments and to view the library.
No Ordinance Committee report.
Building & Swimming Pool – Buchanan
The Pool Committee has made offers to pool staff. The committee will be meeting again tomorrow to kick things off.
The Building Committee sent a response letter to Robert Fredrick regarding his challenge with David Pronold’s lot division.
Other Business
The current sidewalk ordinance seems unfair for properties mandated to acquire new sidewalk and pay 100%. Replacements sidewalks are covered 100% by the Village. It becomes unfair when sidewalks are not required or intended to be everywhere in the Village. The Village needs a new direction as far as sidewalks are concerned. There is not sufficient time to pass an amendment to the Ordinance before the Cedar Street reconstruction this year. When the Ordinance is updated, reimbursement to Oak Street residents should be reviewed. Kraemer motioned for the Village to pay 100% of sidewalk on the Cedar Street project and update the Ordinance to correlate. Riek seconded the motion and it carried with Neuheisel abstaining.
President Ellenbolt recommended the following members to a Promotional Team for the Plain Honey Creek Business Park: Raymond Ellenbolt, Sheila Tafs, Karna Hanna, Tom Kraemer and Lisa Ruhland. Buchanan has a few issues with the people recommended. He believes the procedure on selecting the committee should go through the Ordinance procedure. A standing committee should be created by Ordinance. Buchanan is not comfortable with President Ellenbolt having the sole authority to choose these people. He believes a business owner should not be a part of this committee as for it is a conflict of interest. Kraemer pointed out that this is a business park and a business point of view should be considered necessary. This Promotional Team is exclusively to initially meet a new potential buyer. The Development & Planning Commission and the Village Board have the ultimate say in who is going to build in the business park. By Ordinance, committee appointments are made by the Village President and the board votes on the appointments. President Ellenbolt motioned to appoint Raymond Ellenbolt, Sheila Tafs, Karna Hanna, Tom Kraemer and Lisa Ruhland to the Promotional Team for the Plain Honey Creek Business Park. This was seconded by Neuheisel. President Ellenbolt asked for a roll call vote: Ellenbolt – Yes, Buchanan – No, Kraemer – Yes, Liegel – Yes, Meise – Yes, Neuheisel – Yes, and Riek – Yes. The motion carried.
Neuheisel motioned to approve the renewal application for a 6-month Liquor License for Edward Alan Liegel for the period May 1, 2009 through October 31, 2009. Meise seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Trustee Liegel motioned to hire Jessica Cahill for the Pool Manager position; Chelsey Kraemer for the position of Head Lifeguard; Tori Alt, Chelsea Diehl, Courtney Kraemer, Sierra Burk, Andrea Diehl, and Claire Meixelsperger for the Lifeguard positions; Nicole Ring for the Rec Director; Lisa Brey as the Assistant Rec Director; and, Justin Gibson as the Public Works Helper. This was seconded by Riek and it carried unanimously.
Buchanan motioned to set the Board of Review date on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. This was seconded by Meise, and then carried unanimously.
Trustee Buchanan feels that the Village needs to see what is available for Assessors. Buchanan motioned to solicit for Assessors. This was seconded by Kraemer, and then carried unanimously.
Liegel pointed out that 910 Cedar Street is on the verge of violating the junk ordinance. Typically, the Police Department enforces the ordinance.
The attorney is checking into an Officer in Charge versus a Chief of Police.
The Main Street wall suit against Sauk County has been filed.
Liegel talked to the Franklin Town Chairman Joe Prem explaining that the sewer annexation contract is between the Vet Clinic and the Village. If they don’t abide by the contract and annex, then the Village doesn’t have to uphold their end of the contract either by maintaining the sewer line. The PSC doesn’t regulate how much can be charge for sewer rates. The PSC believes that if the Village takes the nonresident sewer customers to court, they would have to annex.
No Correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
A motion to pay the monthly invoices as presented was made by Buchanan. Meise seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
General Fund | $51,643.98 | Water Utility | $58,622.73 | ||
Library Fund | $6,785.97 | Sewer Department | $5,843.47 | ||
Golf Course | $1,170.29 | ||||
Wage Reimbursements: | $10,543.82 |
Buchanan motioned to adjourn to closed session at 10:22 p.m. This was seconded by Liegel, and then the motion carried unanimously.
Sheila Tafs