Minutes: Public Hearing June 13, 2007

Village of Plain

Public Hearing

Willow Street & Park Avenue Special Assessments

June 13, 2007



A Public Hearing was held by the Village of Plain Board of Trustees at the Municipal Building on June 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.  The following members were present:  Raymond Ellenbolt, President; David Buchanan; Kevin Kraemer; James Liegel; Duane Meise; and, Robert Neuheisel, Trustees. Trustee Gary Leeck was absent.


Others Present:  Stephen Sippel, Pamela Severson, Tom Meyer and Nick Ruhland.


Notice of this public hearing was posted on May 30, 2007 in the following locations in the Village of Plain:  Municipal Building, Plain Post Office and The Peoples Community Bank.  A Class 1 Notice was published in the Home News on May 30, 2007.


The following property owners were mailed notice of the Hearing on May 29, 2007:

Victor & Jacquell Kraemer, Kelly & Laurie Walsh, Stephen Sippel, Judi Diehl, Robert & Donna Fredrick, Pamela Serverson, Cody Pulvermacher, Jason & Kendra Schluter, Elvy Weiss, Mike Ring etal., Fred Kraemer, David & Sandra Ruhland, Mrs. Reynold Kraemer, Susan Hoffman etal., Patrick Walsh and Staci Richard.


The public hearing was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 7:04 p.m.  The purpose of the public hearing was to provide the property owners of Willow Street and Park Avenue an opportunity to comment upon the proposed construction project.


Pamela Severson stated concerns regarding closing down the street.  She needs access in and out of her residence to meet the needs of her handicapped daughter.  The board presumed that the contractor should be able to fulfill her request.  The board invited Ms. Severson to a pre-construction meeting on Thursday, June 21, 2007 with the contractor.  Her attendance will reassure that her request is met.


Stephen Sippel inquired about the timetable set for the project.  At this time the timetable is unspecified.  The Village should be brought up to date at the pre-construction meeting next week.  The Public Works Department will notify residents at least a week in advance of starting. 


Mr. Sippel also asked when payment is due on the special assessments.  The Clerk informed him that it would be due on November 1, 2007.


Kraemer motioned to adjourn.  This was seconded by Buchanan, and carried unanimously at 7:19 p.m.





Sheila Tafs 
