Minutes: February 9, 2011
Village Board Proceedings of
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Roll Call: Raymond Ellenbolt, President; Cole Brunson; Robert Jewell; Robert Neuheisel; and, John Schluter, Trustees. Trustee Kevin Kraemer was absent.
Others present: Chief Kevin Wilkins; Officer Chuck Schreiber; Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director; and, Nick Ruhland, Public Works Director.
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the
Jewell motioned to accept Duane Meise’s resignation. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
On the January 12, 2011 minutes, John Schluter is listed as present and needs to be marked absent. With that change, Neuheisel motioned to approve minutes from the
Schluter motioned to approve minutes from the
Agenda Guest
The Planning and Development Commission held a Public Hearing earlier in the evening and recommended to approve a variance from the residential setback requirement for Dustin and Grace Myers for the purpose of construction of an addition to the house at 1185 St. Luke’s Avenue. Neuheisel motioned to approve the variance. Jewell seconded. Motion carried.
Police Department Report
Chief Kevin Wilkins presented and discussed the 2011 Police Contract. Jewell motioned to approve the 2011 Police Contract. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.
Green TTEC Director Report
Shawn Murphy, Green TTEC Director, reported activities for Green TTEC and the Honey Creek Business Park. Concurrence was received from the EDA on the bid award to Ideal Builders, Inc. However, we are awaiting formal confirmation of approval in order to proceed. Murphy met with Ideal Builders to coordinate starting activities and review list of subcontractors. Ideal will use the time until weather improves to get shop drawings approved and order materials. It is still hopeful that the project will be timely for MATC to make use of the classrooms this fall.
In regards to the Honey Creek Business Park, Murphy has been seeking clarification from the EDA on the options to complete remaining work. EDA has indicated that any further work by Meise Construction will result in forfeiture of at least the remaining grant funds for this portion of the project. Strand Associates completed a topographic survey of the project site giving us a current picture of the completion status. Murphy has met with Iverson Construction who has indicated they would honor their original bid amounts to complete the remaining project work. There are some items that will need to be negotiated. Once final costs are organized, the board will be presented with a recommendation for approval to complete the remaining work.
Sauk County Land Conservation is sponsoring an Earth Day Energy Fair at UW-Baraboo on April 17th. Murphy is putting together an exhibit for the Green TTEC building.
Public Works Department Report
Nick Ruhland did not have a report.
Committee Reports
Finance – Schluter
Schluter reported that as of January 31st, 40% of the snow budget has been used and that does not include our big February snow.
There are loader issues as well. Repairs are becoming expensive. Ruhland commented that the Streets Committee gave Public Works the OK to price new loaders.
Golf, Library & Emergency Government – Neuheisel
The Golf Committee met on January 24th. There will be no Starters again. Equipment repairs needed. The Committee would like to repair fairways with extra dirt from the Business Park. Also, another clean up day is being planned for spring.
Rec Director and Assistant Rec Director applications are currently being accepted.
Emergency Government posted notices during the blizzard to remind residents to clean out exterior vents because they could be blocked with snow.
The fire department recently was called out for a gas leak and had a difficult time finding the house. The house number was nonexistent. No Ordinance is known that requires house numbers. The Ordinance Committee will need to review.
The Library received donations. A sign was decided on from Jim Greeley Signs. That will be paid for out of the Hayes fund. The wine and beer tasting event was denied. The Library’s policy is no alcohol. Their copier needs repairs. Jeff will be talking to Dale Schultz regarding library funding. Circulation was down last month.
Streets, Utilities & RV Court Commission – Kraemer
Water Pumpage for January:
Well No. 1: 498,000
Well No. 2: 1,388,000
Total for January: 1,886,000 gallons, which was 681,000 gallons less than last year. (There was a main break last year.)
Two bacteria samples and two raw well samples were sent to the State Lab. All samples tested safe.
Monthly fluoride average: 1.17 p.p.m.
Wastewater Report for January:
Influent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 173 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average B.O.D.: 12 Limit: 15 mg/l
Influent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 231 mg/l
Effluent Monthly Average T.S.S.: 16 Limit: 20 mg/l
Monthly Average Nitrogen Ammonia: .295 mg/l
Limit: 20.0 mg/l Monthly
29.0 mg/l Daily
Total gallons treated: 2,428,200
Building – Brunson
No report.
Pool & Ordinance – Jewell
The Friends of the Park and Pool will be meeting again on February 23rd.
Lifeguard applications are being accepted.
Ordinance will meet regarding house numbers and corner lot setbacks.
Other Business
The telephone line to the lift station was damaged. Meise Construction will be turning this over to their insurance. Schluter motioned to disallow the Frontier Notice of Claim. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Murphy explained the details of Resolution #2011-01 to comply with federal law and the EDA grant standards identified as 15 CFR 24.36(b). Jewell motioned to approve Resolution #2011-01. Schluter seconded. Motion carried.
Friends of the Plain Pool/Park would like to know if the Village would assume the cost of the engineering for the Park Master Plan. This may be something that should be budgeted for in a capital projects line item. The Friends would need to have formal organization. The Friends can be run through the Village. From a resident’s standpoint, we have Green TTEC going on, it may not be the right time to commit to funds for the park and pool. The Friends do not want to be expected to raise the whole amount. They want to know what their goal needs to be. It will be a couple of years before the engineering would need to be done. Plans need to be more definite. The Village cannot commit to $50,000 right now. As a Village, we all have the interest. The timing is the issue. It will be looked at during budget time.
No Correspondence.
Review and Audit of Invoices:
Jewell motioned to pay Voucher #12316 payable to VISA (Ruhland, J) via Jensen Equipment in the amount of $283.26 from the Sewer Parts Replacement Fund. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to pay the remaining monthly invoices as presented was made by Brunson. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.
General Fund | $554,077.00 | Debt Services | $13,964.69 | ||
Library Fund | $14,591.47 | Water Utility | $2,516.78 | ||
Green TTEC | $143,286.62 | Sewer Department | $4,018.50 | ||
TIF #2 | $0.00 | Golf Course | $366.75 | ||
Wage Reimbursements: | $17,333.26 |
Jewell motioned to adjourn to closed session at
The board returned from closed session at
Schluter motioned to hire David Pronold as the Municipal Judge. Neuheisel seconded. Motion carried.
Jewell motioned to adjourn to at 8:42 p.m. Brunson seconded. Motion carried.
Sheila Tafs