Minutes: Special Mtg April 22, 2010
A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Notice of this meeting, along with the agenda, was posted at the following locations in the
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and act on the Village purchasing the foreclosure property at 1055 Wachter Avenue at a reduced price and a Construction Manager for the Green TTEC Building. The meeting was called to order by President Ellenbolt at 6:30 p.m.
President Ellenbolt obtained a letter from Sauk Prairie Memorial stating its support regarding the Village purchasing the foreclosure property at
There was a meeting yesterday with the architects. Concerning a Construction Manager, they could go either way. By using a CM, the Village could choose a manager based on quality and not have to take the low bid. Plus, local subcontractors have a better chance to be involved. Ellenbolt motioned to hire a Construction Manager. Meise seconded and carried unanimously.
Jewell read the second reading of Ordinance 166-10, an Ordinance specifying expectations of snow removal from sidewalks. Jewell motioned to approve Ordinance Number 166-10. This was seconded by Neuheisel and carried unanimously.
Jewell and Ellenbolt read the second reading of Ordinance 167-10, an Ordinance adding the Joint Municipal Court chapter to the Ordinances. Jewell motioned to approve Ordinance Number 167-10. This was seconded by Meise and carried unanimously.
Jewell read the second reading of Ordinance 168-10, an Ordinance adding a Golf Course fine to the Ordinances. Neuheisel motioned to approve Ordinance Number 168-10. This was seconded by Jewell and carried unanimously.
Jewell motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m. This was seconded by Kraemer and carried unanimously.
Sheila Tafs