Special Board Meeting


Notice of the Village of Plain: Special Meeting notice is hereby given to the public and to the news media pursuant to Section 19.84(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes that a Village Board Meeting will be held as follows:
Place:             Plain Municipal Office Board Room
                        510 Main Street, Plain, Wisconsin
Date:               Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Time:              7:00 p.m.
Subject matter:
This will be a special meeting of the Village of Plain Board of Trustees. This meeting, except for the Closed Session, is open to the public.
            The meeting will include the following:
  1.       Roll Call
  2.       Review and approve application for a Liquor License for Pat Mahoney at the Plain Community Park for the period May 25, 2023 through November 24, 2023.
  3.       Discussion and possible action regarding hiring Elizabeth Jewell as the Head Lifeguard.
  4.       Discussion and possible action regarding hiring Jack Myers as a Lifeguard.
  5.       Adjourn to Closed Session per Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
o   Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the April 12, 2023 closed session minutes.
o   Discussion and possible action regarding Head Lifeguard wages
  1.       Adjournment
Raymond Ring
Village President