Agenda: May 9, 2012





DATE:  Wednesday, May 9, 2012                LOCATION: Municipal Building, First Floor Board Meeting Room

TIME:   7:30 p.m.                                                               1015 Cedar Street, Plain, WI


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Moment of Silence
  3. Review and approval of Minutes of the April 11, 2012 Regular Board Meeting.
  4. Comments from members of the public who have not been scheduled to address the Board.
  5. Report from the Police Department.
  6. Report from the Green TTEC Director.
  7. Report from the Public Works Department.
  8. Discussion and action on President's recommendations for committee/commission assignments.
  9. Reports from the following Committees:

¤ Finance
  ¤ Green TTEC
  ¤ Parks
  ¤ Cable TV


¤ Library
  ¤ Police
  ¤ RV Court

¤ Streets
  ¤ Utilities
  ¤ Building
  ¤ Ordinance

¤ Pool
  ¤ Golf Course
  ¤ Development & Planning

¤ Plain’s 100 year Commemoration

  1. Discussion and possible action regarding posting continuing current Department and Committee Project Lists in the Village and on the website.
  2. Discussion and possible action regarding appointments to vacancies on the Library Board.
  3. Discussion and possible action regarding appointing a Facility Planning Task Force to explore long term options for the Village of Plain.
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding the proclamation of recognizing visitors from Waldmüchen.
  5. Discussion and possible action regarding hiring of the seasonal Public Works Helper.
  6. Discussion and possible action on the insurance proposal from League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance for the period of June 2012 through May 2013.
  7. Review and approve applications for Liquor Licenses in the Village for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
  8. Report from the Green TTEC Director.
  9. Discussion and possible action regarding amending the Westbrook Associate’s agreement to include the design for the picnic shelter for an additional $2,200.
  10. Correspondence.  
  11. Review and Audit of Invoices.
  12. Motion by roll call vote to enter Closed Session.
  13. Closed Session per Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(c) Re: Discussion and possible action regarding wages for Public Works Helper; and Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(e)      Re: Discussion and possible action regarding an Offer to Purchase of 1055 Wachter Avenue.
  14. Adjournment. 


Raymond Ring

Village President