Agenda: February 10, 2010
Village of Plain
Telephone (608) 546-2047
Notice of the Village of Plain Regular Board Meeting is hereby given to the public and to the news media pursuant to Section 19.84 of the Wisconsin Statutes that a Village Board Meeting will be held as follows:
Regular Village Board Meeting
Municipal Building First Floor Board Meeting Room
1015 Cedar Street, Plain, WI 53577
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
7:30 p.m.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Review and approval of Minutes of the January 13, 2010 Regular Board Meeting.
- Discussion and action to hire a construction manager for the Green TTEC.
- Lori Edwards would like to address the board regarding complaints about her dog barking.
- Comments from members of the public who have not been scheduled to address the Board.
- Discussion and possible action regarding report from Police Department.
- Discussion and possible action regarding report from Public Works Department.
- Discussion and possible action regarding reports from the following Committees:
Pool, Building, Police, Cable TV, Parks, Golf Course, Finance, Library, Utilities, Streets, Ordinance, Development & Planning and Green TTEC Advisory
- Recommendation from the Finance committee and action to allow the Library to rollover any unused monies from the previous year if it was not used.
- Discussion and possible action regarding passing Resolution #2010-02, a resolution supporting Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.
- Discussion and First Reading regarding Ordinance 165-10, for increased restrictions for semi-tractor parking.
- Discussion and First Reading regarding Ordinance 166-10, specification of expectations of snow removal from sidewalks.
- Second Reading and action regarding Ordinance 163-10, removing the requirement of the Park Commissioner to also hold the position of the Golf Course Commissioner.
- Second Reading and action regarding Ordinance 164-10, for the Village to pay 100% of initial sidewalk.
- Discussion and action regarding reimbursement to three Oak Street residents for 2007 payments of initial sidewalk.
- Review of Correspondence
- Review and Audit of Invoices
- Adjournment
Raymond Ellenbolt
Village President
Re-Posted Agenda: February 9, 2010 Posted at: Municipal Building, Plain Post Office, The People’s Community Bank
Re-Notified Home News and Baraboo News Republic via email: February 9, 2010